Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A stressful night

Hints hints... yeah2 they are good but they're not when they are up less than 24 hours from the final. What am I suppose to do? I haven't read a single thing about well logging and now a question (20 marks) will come from there. Urgh... this is so stressful. I was not suppose to be in the final as far as I remember. So that's the weaknesses of knowing hints. We tend to take for granted on that right?

Anyway why on earth do Well logging has to be in the syllabus of Advanced Drilling Engineering? Weird huh. Oh my oh my, I don't really think that I can make that topic tonight and hope fully tomorrow I have some idea on how to fry those on the paper.

Resistivity, Gamma Ray, Sonic, Neuron and Density Logs please,,, please be easy with me tomorrow ok. I left with 2-1/2 hours to memorize those formulas and do some review on my test papers. Got no much time to spend on you. Sorry loggers. ;(

1 comment:

  1. kamon iffah. awk mesti buat yg terbaik di ladang dan lautan dalam!


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