Saturday, April 28, 2012

Dear Future Hubby,

I know we are yet to meet and know each other. I hope that you're doing good now, then and forever. Maybe one fine day, we'll find each others heart and at that time we are ready for the next life. You know you have to wait for me, I just need couple years to build my own life and enjoy the moment as a 'single lady'.

Just a head up for you, after married, I need your bless to proceed with my career. I know a good wife will stay at home taking care of the family and do the house jobs. But that just not me, I will try my best to be a good mother and wife in the house and at the same time good employee to my company.

If possible, I really want to spend our weekend with our parents. The first and third weekend of the month with your parents while the second of fourth weekend with my parents. It may sounds irrational but I know we can do it!

I grew up in a middle class family and I want my kids to be treated the same way. I don't want to expose them with all the luxuries and easy life even we can afford those. I don't want them to spend time with the games and expensive stuffs. I would prefer we spend valuable time together as a family like jogging, outing, etc than them spending their weekend with the friends. Not to cage them in the house but I think we have the power/right to make their time more valuable.

You can give the names to our babies. I'm ok with it as long as it brings good meaning. I hope you can help me with the household though as you know I only have 2 hands and if I have to prepare meals, and baby cries, I hope you can help me with that. At night, when the baby is awake, I hope you don't keep yourself stiff on the bed or continue with your snore. I want the kids to be close with you too. Bath them, feed them and even change their diapers :p if you know what I mean.

If we want to make the marriage works, we need to communicate alot. I don't want to control your life. As in return, I will try my best to be your eyes if you're blind, you're ear if you're deaf, you're arms and legs if you're tired. I will be the best shoulder that you need. I will be standing right next to you for the rest my life.

I'm not asking you to be perfect for me but I just want you to try your best to the a good son to our parents, good daddy to my kids and good husband to me. I want us to complete each other and work to improve ourselves. You can always tell me what to do and what not. You can ask me to help you. You can scold me if I do wrong, You can tell me to keep quiet if I go overboard. I really want to be weak sometimes around you. That's what a girl want, a protection and shades everytime we're down.

I don't want to mortify you will all the responsibilities. Give me another 3-4 years on the road for me to be fully ready to settle down. If you can wait, you're looking at the right me but if you can't, maybe we are not the one. Cheerios :)

Yours sincerely truly faithfully,

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

High End Market

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Do you shout like I shout when you see leather stuffs? Yeah I'm talking about Handbags and Shoes, you clever people. My passion, my interest! Hey hey hey I'm still a girl deep down in me.

Since I'm in Dubai I wish that I can grab a leather jacket (my wishlist). I wish yeeeee not want :p *beza kah?haha* Don't talk to me about the price. I know I know! Crazy huh? I'm crazy with these dry hard smell material. Last Thursday I went to a night market along the Dubai  beach. An insane street at night . I feel like belong to the elite community for once. Very very very elite! With ferrari as my ride, Hilton as my house. Ok2. It was just a thought.

So I went to the night market. So not like Malaysia. This is a high class market selling clothes at AED 400, handbags at AED 200. Not cheap SOOOO NOT! hahaha. Of course I should have expect that right?

So what impressed me was we found a stall selling leather bags. Oh my Gucci, macam stail fazurra dalam pisau cukur tu. But I'm not a pisau cukur OK. No one yang boleh cukur for now *wah gtu* so I tak beli :p hahah mahal kot geng. I like 1 bag, orange pinkish mmg kalau I pakai nampak muda always! haha. Wahat can I say since the price was as high as my per diem, I decided to tutup mata, hang the bag balik and walk away. Sampai tak sanggup nak amik gambar dia. Sbb kalau I amik nanti teringat2.

Imagine how I feel waktu letak balik bag tu, Ya Allah, mengalahkan Datin Wanabe, siap letak tangan kat dahi, jeling beg tu and ahhhhh melepas. Sampai extreme macam tu. Percaya? :p

So I pon jalan lagi, cantik tempat tu, cantik sbb tak sangka ada gak pasar bayang aka pasar tani aka pasar malam aka bazaar aka pasar gelap *ehhh?* kat Dubai ni.

So kalau ikut hati la kan macam2 dah aku grab *tibak tu mode*. Hari tu jumpa leather jacket kat Mango. Seriously I buta brand ok. Aku lagi suka pakai baju yang murah atau jumble dari pakai baju yang mahal2 tp rupenya macam baju murah. Kat kedai2 gah ni, bayangkan la, T-shirt nak lunyai plain color tu diorg jual AED 30. Mak ai boleh beli AED 5 je kot kat Gold Souk ngan Old Souk tu. Buat apa nak bazir beli baju camtu? *ayat org frust mengonggeng kan?*

Kat Malaysia, tak terpikir pon nak masuk kedai2 camtu sbb kedai murah2 melambak kat malls. Tp kat sini high end sangat so nak tak nak terjah masuk gak la kan. Alhamdulillah Ebak Ibu tak ajar beli barang2 branded BYK sgt. tak dipractikkan la org kata. Keinginan manusia mmg la ada but tak tercapai dek akal lagi nak beli.

Tapi there was this thing yang I wish I can buy. T-shirt itu bodoh2 je but with sticker yang sound sensitive. Siap ada lampu2. Bayangkan, korunk jalan, baju korunk menyala2 bila detect sound. Pergh gempak sih, I was looking at the T-shirt dengan harapan boleh beli kalau murah. Tp AED 160. Waktu tu dalam poket ada AED 100 cukup2 nak beli sourvenir untuk orang Malaysia. Tu kalau nak cakap mmg worthy with the price. Mmg cun baju dak kecik, detect touch. Kalau kita sentuh gambar animal kat baju tu, dier menyala2. Pergh korunk blh bayangkan kan???

Memadangkan dah almost 6 weeks kat sini, banyak benda blh update ngan time yang ada sikit2. korunk tunggu la lagi bebelanku ni in the next post ye. Penat dah nak type :p

Bye :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Show-off is USELESS

I close my eyes every night with full hopes and dreams. yeah yeah yeah irony huh? hahaha whatever. Oh yeah do you know that whatever has been voted the most annoying word on the year for already 3 years consecutively? hihi over-read that in twitter :p

As I create my own world of fantasy, I always want the life to be easy and beutiful everywhere everything. Ebak will never forget to advice me that hopes and dreams can be 2 things an inspiration or disaster. Tell me if he is wrong.

When I was a kid, I always imagine to be a the top ALWAYS! but the more I think about it, the more I roll myself down. I think I know why, it's because when you want to be the best sometimes you just forget that you own nothing in this world. It's all Allah's. I start to become irrational with my mission on life. I start to get arrogant with what I have.

I wanted everything to be as what I want it to be. I forced myself to be PERFECT and for me people around who are not like me are irritating. I start to drown in my disrespectful life for a couple of years. I always wanted to be the best not because I want it for myself but I want to show the world that I am better than what they thought I am.

After high school, I wanted to study abroad because I want to show those people who look down at me that I can be successfull more than them. Hahah Irony irony irony. To be honest I really hate the devilish thought NOW. Missions are to be made with rationality and bless. You can never achieved what you what if you have the sense to 'show-off'.

All my devil plans crashed not because I cannot do it but Allah doesn't allow those to happen. Or else I guess I won't THIS Iffah Garib. I know most off us outside there have your own stories that change you from a good person to worse just to shut the bad mouths around you. As for me now, I can only advise this: Let people do bad things to you, they can look down at you, mock you, bully you. but they can never ripped your soul apart! Wanting to prove that you are better is useless because everything that we have TODAY is all belong to Allah :)

I learnt my lesson now and I'm happy to tell that those bad impressions and talks about me I use it to be a motivation to work harder and improve myself. I'm not going to show what I have in front of them. Let Allah one day show them the truth. REMEMBER, histories are meant to happen to educate you to be better. Let no one know who you are but you know who you are :)

Ta-ta for now peeps

p/s: I miss Malaysia :'(

WTW - Worth the Wait

What a LONG hiatus huh??? Sorry been a long time I miss my writing. No, not busy just pretending to be one. Hahah Jokking :p

Yeah me kinda busy these few months :(. I'm actually almost forget that I have a blog though. It was a friend of mine who messaged me in Facebook asking about my updates and asking me to write more in the blog.

Oh, not once in my mind I have a loyal reader. Thank you :) Ok, I'm gonna take this few minutes I have (break from reading Hydraulics Book for tomorrow test) to share something that I think worth the wait.

Old folks says "biar lambat asalkan selamat" We only use that for journeys but let me put it in a different approach, have you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of no where and you pray hard that something will come along? Ok, let's just put this way, After graduated in May, I was hoping that my sponsor would call me and offer me a good position. Like I say I pray hard OK

But I waited for almost 5-1/2 months (can you read that? :P) before they email me the offer letter. What took them soooo long? Fell like I don't belong to the company at all. After what I've been sacrificing, it wasn't repay the way I wanted it to be.

I was so at the bottom of my emotion at that time. I've made thorough decision to decline the offer when BH offers me a position. Money is one thing, appreciate is one thing. I worked very hard hoping my sponsor would please me how I pleased them with my result. I thought it was worthy, but IT WAS NOT!

Ok, now I joined other company where I dare to say, It was worth the wait. I had thousand better chances and opportunities open for me now. I've made a fond decision and Alhamdulillah it turns to be the right path for me now :)

Pernah dengar anjakan paradigma?? Yes, this is what I meant, that the challenge. I've made mine and the truth behind it was when you believe in Allah and yourself that you are making the right decision, Put faith and trust in your actions and words because those will make you stronger and better.

Challenges are good. They grow you up high tall. Make sacrifice will worth everything. Life is  fair! Good deeds are to be pay by good deeds too. Allah is Fair. He listens to you everyday. If you want to improve yourself, BE STRONG, DETERMINE and BELIEVE IN ALLAH.

He may not gonna give want you need on the spot, he will save the last for the best :) for me, It was WORTH THE WAIT! What about you? Gotta work to figure that out now I guess :)

Thank you for your time folks. Toodles for now