Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Laksa Johor in Houston

Minala'dil walfaizil sama-sama, bemaaf-maafan sesama kita di Hari Raya - nyanyi sikit

SELAMAT HARI RAYA EIDULFITRI to all yang celebrate :) It was such a short yet splendid celebration over in Malaysia. What is Eid without visiting chores to others. This year raya sedih sikit la sebab first time celebrate kat overseas. It's not being away from Malaysia that made me sad but it's the feeling being away from family that kills my tears out on the last day of Ramadhan.

Had to takbir alone by myself in the hotel room and holding my tears while looking at the pictures that my sister send. But eventually this is what life is all about. Life is about taking everything that you have and try to make it a worth while living. So it wasn't that bad after all, spending my Raya here in Houston. I love my Houston family so very much. Can't wait to bring my parents here and introduce them to my new family.

So, was "wechat"ting with my sister on the eid eve (Malaysia time) and I feel so lonely at that time. Told my mom that i'm gonna miss her 'Laksa Johor' so very much, for me, it's not raya without any Laksa Johor. Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah after exam on Friday, went to Kak Lin's house in Sugarland and she served Laksa Johor. Ohhhh my Lord, Allah! It was so good and to be honest, for a moment we feel like home, Houston is like sinking away from us. Thank you Allah for the great opportunity and experience. I will never forget about this 2013 Eid (1434 H)!
At Kak Lin's house :)

the desert table - still waiting for half of the deserts


Till licking good~style Johorian makan with hand

Homemade ABC (Ais Batu Cair)

water slide for the kids
Laksa Johor! Laksa Johor! Laksa Johor! ~ still craving for Ibu's Laksa Johor but not as bad as before. Thank you Kak Lin and En Shamsul for the great hospitality :)


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Night of Cakes

Baker and Schlumberger!!! Who says we can't go along together. We're like family last night. Was a splendid iftar (breaking fast) last night with few kakak-kakak and abang-abang here in Houston. First time here I had an awesome iftar with Malaysians in States. It feels like home Alhamdulillah. Kak Zura cooked us some carrot rice with acar sayur, beef curry with potato and ayam berempah (spiced chicken). Tip top to the max! Thank you Allah for the sustenance :)

Spent time from evening till midnight was a fascinating experience with new friends and family. Anyhow, the dessert was superb! we had 2 cakes - white chocolate raspberry truffle cheese cake from The Cheesecake Factory  and homemade blueberry cake from Kak Zura. Oh yeah!!! was a night we had. House was great, people were entertaining and the food was marvelous - in other words: WAS AWESOME!!!


white chocolate raspberry truffle

Kak Zura's blueberry cake and a plate of fruits as appertizer
it feels like staying in a 5 stars hotel

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Malaysian Ambassador in OKC

Ni macam mana ni? Bila orang kat workshop dah sibuk tanya bila nak masak Malaysian food bagi diorg rasa. Aduh! Tangan orang ni bukan la pandai nak masak pon tapi takkan nak kata tak nak masakkan diorg kot sebab pikir2 betul jugak at least dapat la diorg merasa masakan Malaysia kan.

Makanan orang Malaysia memang la sedap tapi masalahnya orang tak pandai nak masak. kalau takat nasi goreng tu boleh la tapi kalau nak buat nasi goreng kampong, mat salleh-mat salleh ni bukan pandai makan ikan bilis. Agaknya ikan bilis pon tak pernah nampak kan. Hahaha

Tak kisah la, so dalam kepala ni ada few list ingat terpaksa belajar masak semata nak bagi diorg ni merasa jugak sedapnya makanan orang Malaysia kan. So list mintak maaf sgt, masakan dalam list ni hebak2, tapi jangan last2 bagi diorg makan roti telur sudah hahaha.

Ok list dalam kepala (al-maklum la bila orang puasa di perantauan haruslah list makanan yang kat kepala ni orang mengidamkan kekeke):

1. Ketam masak Cili
2. Satay Ayam
3. Ayam masak Merah
4. Nasi Ayam
5. Nasi Tomato
6. Nasi Goreng belacan (nasib tahu belacan = shrimp paste)
7. Mee Goreng mamak
8. Telur Bistik
9. Ayam masak lemak cilipadi
10. Rendang Ayam/Daging
11. Roti Canai
roti canai with curry
12. Mee Kari
13. Nasi lemak
nasi lemak with chicken rendang
14. Murtabak

Makanya semalam after work pergi la menyinggah kat Walmart and Aldi nak mencari bahan nak masak. Allahuakbar, last-last end up beli barang untuk bathroom and hanger untuk tudung and selendang.
Actually risau jugakkan, sebab bila kena masak masakan negara sendiri nak bagi rasa pada orang yang tak pernah rasa langsung masakan Malaysia. It could be they dont like it at all kan. So sekarang terasa macam ambassador malaysia pulak nak kena represent my country. Cewaaah! Rasa-rasanya, chili crab ngan satay mungkin the best choice kot kan :)
Note: To those yang berpuasa, sila-silalah jangan terliur ye. Tahan dagu jangan sampai ternganga. hehe
 Note 2: Pictures are personally owned by a friend of mine, Whitney when she was having her lunch with her Grandma at Sambal Restaurant in Houston, TX. Thank you Whitney :)