Sunday, December 29, 2013

It's for the Survival

I have 3 other girl siblings and dad has been such protective. He's the best father that you can ever imagine off. He seems to be controlling most of our lives but he meant good and it's the instinct that all the fathers out there will have towards their little princesses.

Friends look synical to him and some even dare to say 'Your dad is old school!' as far as I know he's being that protective because he LOVES us. That is LOVE. He's such a great teacher and guider. He taught me one valuable matter today = 'It's for the Survival'.

Now what I'm about to share here can probably caused contradict to some people but - still this is what I feel and I'm going to hold on for the rest of my life. Ladies out there - please here me out! from around the world, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Russia Caspian, Australasia, North America, Europe, Africa, South America EVERYWHERE! If you're reading this, thank you in advance and hope you'll gain something beneficial from this writing.

Before marriage, any decision you're making is about yourself always but it's different when you've already made a vow in front of your God, your family and friends when you ready to be Mr and Mrs. Marriage is about making 2 become 1. 2 families become 1, 2 hearts become 1, 2 souls become 1 and 2 decisions become 1. After marriage, it is no longer a sole one man life pronouncement but 2.

Dad always remind me that 'don't make your job as a career instead make it a survival' What does he means by that?

Ladies, tell me how can you confirm that the guy that you are marrying or about to be married is the truly soulmate and will be by yourside for the rest of your life? If anyone does, please share with the rest how to confirm that guy you're marrying will never leave you forever.

All living things will die even Michael Jackson whom wanting to live forever die sudden. When the time comes, no one could ever defies death. Thus, we will never ever going to learn when the husband is going to die or leave us and if you're marrying a wealthy man, perhaps you can fight and have half of his $$$$ if he leave you but we are the middle people, what would he leave us with? kids perhaps!

Do we want to be homeless, begging people for money on the street? No, no, no, never! We're strong, we can stand on out feet and survive. That is why ladies, never ever stop working when you are married. Make sure you have a stable income because for the muslims, you know your money is yours and his money is you + him. 

My point here is that, don't rely too much on your husband's pocket and if he really wants you to stop, DON'T! Discuss properly and if necessary get counselings. At least, if he leave you nothing, you can still survive to feed you and your kids' mouths :)

Be strong to those who already been in this situations and may your life be an example to the single ladies; working wives and mothers out there. I aint talk rubbish but this is from what I've seen and heard. It feels like a MUST and a responsibility to share and warn by dearest sisters who are reading this :)

Fly like a Survivor!!!!

May God bless us and He granted us with the best spouse. Good night all~ Happy Holiday and Season Greetings

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Hello my name is ween ~ call me HalloWEEN

Ya Allah, lama giler dah tak berblog.... hush banyak weiiii cerita nak cerita al maklumla mulut becok tak reti stop cakap kan. hahahha ok ok ok, niii kena and wajib share cerita travel pergi NY sebabnya orang selalu nak pergi NY to celebrate new year. ohhh sorry not me to be in the crowded mrowded area like that ok

A trip that I was look forward last month actually hehehe. Yeay it wasn't as smooth as I thought it's going to be. Me loves traveling but sometimes traveling alone can be crazy and exhausting. Couldnt get a direct flight from Oklahoma City to New York and the cheapest flight I got was with Frontier and it's a transit flight in Denver, Colorado. It all started with an extra charge for a carry on bag that cost me additional of USD 50 return. Hola Holi Ku beri nama saudara saudari cekebum cikebum

2:00 PM - Your flight from DEV to LGA delay from 3:15 PM to 6:00 PM. Whataaaaaaa h*****???!!! flight delay? Haish blew out my eyes when I received this message on my phone. Oh hahahaha not fun soooo not fun dearies. Try hard to call Aqilah and Karla to let them know that my flight is delay. Change plan laaaaaaa at the end since I'm not talking the subway and buses alone after midnight. It's killing me there!!! Haiyaaa boring ooooo sepnding time alone in the airport. Dont know what to do and talk to.

After midnight landed in New York. Woweeeyyyy junior juice! It's feels exactly like in HIMYM (How I met your mother). The buildings, the yellow cabs, the traffic, everything feels right and I smile in myself finally I'm in New York! Took a cab to the Bentley Hotel in Upper East Side. Aqilah and Karla already in pyjamas ready to sleep

OK kejap2, korang mesti macam wondering kenapa banyak sangat duit pergi NY kan. Ok actually hati ni at first 50/50 since I know my pocket is not that big to travel there. Tapi memandangkan my passport ni nak expired, nak tak nak kena la jugak spend a bit to fly there. nasib kejap je kalau tambah few days there mau kepuk duit keluar macam angin. hahaha

Eh, lupaaaaa it was Halloween season. Like I said, me no NYC during winter and New York! So, houses there memang gempak meletop bom bang cantik and BEST with the halloween decorations!!! eh, kalau tak caya, naahhhhh tgk pictures ni.

Halloween House #1

Halloween House #2

The best Halloween house seen in city

Please ignore the fake scared face

I'm lovin' this decorations <3 <3

first day je dah jalan miles (1 miles = 1.6 km oopsss heheh) dari upper east side walk to downtown walk back to the Central Park last sekali hinggap kat Times Squares. walk walk walk walk walk. Whatever it is, I have to stop writing now, helping my mom at the kitchen. She's making Nasi Lemak special in Oklahoma City.... it's great to get some hot Malaysia foods in this below freezing weather. Buurrrrrrrr COLDDD!!! Bye

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Laksa Johor in Houston

Minala'dil walfaizil sama-sama, bemaaf-maafan sesama kita di Hari Raya - nyanyi sikit

SELAMAT HARI RAYA EIDULFITRI to all yang celebrate :) It was such a short yet splendid celebration over in Malaysia. What is Eid without visiting chores to others. This year raya sedih sikit la sebab first time celebrate kat overseas. It's not being away from Malaysia that made me sad but it's the feeling being away from family that kills my tears out on the last day of Ramadhan.

Had to takbir alone by myself in the hotel room and holding my tears while looking at the pictures that my sister send. But eventually this is what life is all about. Life is about taking everything that you have and try to make it a worth while living. So it wasn't that bad after all, spending my Raya here in Houston. I love my Houston family so very much. Can't wait to bring my parents here and introduce them to my new family.

So, was "wechat"ting with my sister on the eid eve (Malaysia time) and I feel so lonely at that time. Told my mom that i'm gonna miss her 'Laksa Johor' so very much, for me, it's not raya without any Laksa Johor. Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah after exam on Friday, went to Kak Lin's house in Sugarland and she served Laksa Johor. Ohhhh my Lord, Allah! It was so good and to be honest, for a moment we feel like home, Houston is like sinking away from us. Thank you Allah for the great opportunity and experience. I will never forget about this 2013 Eid (1434 H)!
At Kak Lin's house :)

the desert table - still waiting for half of the deserts


Till licking good~style Johorian makan with hand

Homemade ABC (Ais Batu Cair)

water slide for the kids
Laksa Johor! Laksa Johor! Laksa Johor! ~ still craving for Ibu's Laksa Johor but not as bad as before. Thank you Kak Lin and En Shamsul for the great hospitality :)


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Night of Cakes

Baker and Schlumberger!!! Who says we can't go along together. We're like family last night. Was a splendid iftar (breaking fast) last night with few kakak-kakak and abang-abang here in Houston. First time here I had an awesome iftar with Malaysians in States. It feels like home Alhamdulillah. Kak Zura cooked us some carrot rice with acar sayur, beef curry with potato and ayam berempah (spiced chicken). Tip top to the max! Thank you Allah for the sustenance :)

Spent time from evening till midnight was a fascinating experience with new friends and family. Anyhow, the dessert was superb! we had 2 cakes - white chocolate raspberry truffle cheese cake from The Cheesecake Factory  and homemade blueberry cake from Kak Zura. Oh yeah!!! was a night we had. House was great, people were entertaining and the food was marvelous - in other words: WAS AWESOME!!!


white chocolate raspberry truffle

Kak Zura's blueberry cake and a plate of fruits as appertizer
it feels like staying in a 5 stars hotel

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Malaysian Ambassador in OKC

Ni macam mana ni? Bila orang kat workshop dah sibuk tanya bila nak masak Malaysian food bagi diorg rasa. Aduh! Tangan orang ni bukan la pandai nak masak pon tapi takkan nak kata tak nak masakkan diorg kot sebab pikir2 betul jugak at least dapat la diorg merasa masakan Malaysia kan.

Makanan orang Malaysia memang la sedap tapi masalahnya orang tak pandai nak masak. kalau takat nasi goreng tu boleh la tapi kalau nak buat nasi goreng kampong, mat salleh-mat salleh ni bukan pandai makan ikan bilis. Agaknya ikan bilis pon tak pernah nampak kan. Hahaha

Tak kisah la, so dalam kepala ni ada few list ingat terpaksa belajar masak semata nak bagi diorg ni merasa jugak sedapnya makanan orang Malaysia kan. So list mintak maaf sgt, masakan dalam list ni hebak2, tapi jangan last2 bagi diorg makan roti telur sudah hahaha.

Ok list dalam kepala (al-maklum la bila orang puasa di perantauan haruslah list makanan yang kat kepala ni orang mengidamkan kekeke):

1. Ketam masak Cili
2. Satay Ayam
3. Ayam masak Merah
4. Nasi Ayam
5. Nasi Tomato
6. Nasi Goreng belacan (nasib tahu belacan = shrimp paste)
7. Mee Goreng mamak
8. Telur Bistik
9. Ayam masak lemak cilipadi
10. Rendang Ayam/Daging
11. Roti Canai
roti canai with curry
12. Mee Kari
13. Nasi lemak
nasi lemak with chicken rendang
14. Murtabak

Makanya semalam after work pergi la menyinggah kat Walmart and Aldi nak mencari bahan nak masak. Allahuakbar, last-last end up beli barang untuk bathroom and hanger untuk tudung and selendang.
Actually risau jugakkan, sebab bila kena masak masakan negara sendiri nak bagi rasa pada orang yang tak pernah rasa langsung masakan Malaysia. It could be they dont like it at all kan. So sekarang terasa macam ambassador malaysia pulak nak kena represent my country. Cewaaah! Rasa-rasanya, chili crab ngan satay mungkin the best choice kot kan :)
Note: To those yang berpuasa, sila-silalah jangan terliur ye. Tahan dagu jangan sampai ternganga. hehe
 Note 2: Pictures are personally owned by a friend of mine, Whitney when she was having her lunch with her Grandma at Sambal Restaurant in Houston, TX. Thank you Whitney :)

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Penyakit Akhir Zaman

Ini adalah perkara yang paling merisaukan kita semua especially mereka yang bergelar ibubapa. Kenapa tidak kan, kehidupan zaman sekarang teramat moden tahap tinggi langit ke tujuh la macam lagu Sharifah Zarina tu. Ibu bapa pon dah takde power nak control anak-anak. Anak-anak dah macam boss kat rumah kan. Nak itu dapat, nak ini dapat, yang penat lelah sakit pening mak ayah yang nak berkerja cari duit.
Kesian ibu bapa kita kan. Walaupon mungkin salah didikan ibu bapa pada kita, takkan dah tua boleh jadi mak ayah orang pon masih nak salahkan parents for whatever we're doing. Ok, hilang logiknya kat sana kan. Ok, tau kan sekarang musim cerita-cerita Zombie. Name it (Walking Dead, Dead Body, Zombi kampung pisang -pon boleh masuk gak) tapi sebenarnya kita semua ni pon dah jadi Zombi gakkan.

cuba cari bakat terpendam. ingat nak lukis Zombie yang keluar rock berjanggut kekeke
Mana tidaknya, dalaman kita dah mati, yang bergerak cuma badan je. Dunia sekarang takut kita tengokkan. Manusia dah tak kenal dah erti keluarga (anak kawin mak, abang kawin adik, mak kawin ayah - ehhhhh?? hahaha ni takpe), kalau kita cerita pasal keseronokkan, kita bazir masa kat pub/club. Tidaklah Allah itu paksa kita sujud rukuk 24 jam sampai benda apa pon tak boleh buatkan. Tapi berpada-pada.
Clue dia senang 'besederhana' maksudnya, jangan terlampau dan jangan terkurang. Oops, bunyi macam ustazah dah sejak kebelakangan ni kan. Takde la ni mood tengah nak share pasal pengalaman sendiri dan juga benda-benda yang baru baca.
Kepada yang bekerja, pernah tak kita terfikir, halal ke pekerjaan kita ni? boleh ke aku kerja cam ni? Allah redha tak aku buat macam ni?. Ada orang kerja nak kejar duit dan harta benda. Tak salah tetapi besederhana. Jangan terlampau ikut hati nak kejar duit sampai kita hilang kawalan dan hilang pedoman. - ni kata-kata dari pengalaman diri sendiri tiada kaitan antara yang masih hidup ataupon mati. Kalau terkena batang hidung itu secara kebetulan je hehehe
Ok2, berjela-jela ayat, tampar pipi kiri kanan laju-laju. Retis sangat nok!
Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu 'anhu berkata : "Aku pernah mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Umatku akan ditimpa penyakit-penyakit yang pernah menimpa umat-umat dahulu."
Sahabat bertanya, "Apakah penyakit-penyakit umat-umat terdahulu itu?"
Nabi Muhammad SAW menjawab : "Penyakit itu adalah (1) terlalu banyak berseronok (berhibur/ketawa), (2) terlalu bermewah, mengumpul harta sebanyak mungkin, tipu menipu dalam usaha merebut harta benda dunia, (3) saling memarahi, hasut menghasut sehingga menjadi zalim menzalimi antara satu sama lain". (Hadith riwayat al-Hakim)
Selalu kan kita denagr orang cakap "Life is Unfair and it will never be". Sedar tak kita sebenarnya kita yang melakukan kerosakkan pada muka Bumi ini. Astaghfirullah, semoga Allah melindungi kita dari tergolong dalam golongan-golongan di atas. Jom istighfar sama-sama and muhasabah diri kita.
Semoga kita semua dapat apa yang dikatakan kenikmatan hidup dan set mission kita bukan nak jadi manager in 5 years on the road tapi berazam la untuk menjadi manager yang diberkati Allah dan Rasulnya in 5 years time. Barulah orang kata afdal kan. Ye ye terima kasih anak-anak murid semua kerana rajin and sudi dengar leteran ustazah ni.
Moga kita jumpa lagi di hari dah waktu yang sama. InsyaAllah zaaaassssss (macam Melodi pulok kekeke)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Keep it Still and Simple

Assalamualaikum and Hi all,
Wanna know something? This is the story of a girl (oopsss bukan lagu English tu la - lupa nama lagu - malu >.<) ni rahsia ok... shhh antara kita-kita je. Pinky promise??? kuikuikui
Yesterday dapat dah package dari family kat Malaysia, woooowww! superb semua benda yang diposkan sangat la menyelerakan. Tak hingat dunia waktu bukak kotak. Tapi 1 je benda yang terlupa nak mintak, SERUNDING! Adoi! Adoi! Adoi!
Ingat lagi back in UTP dulu, what is ramadhan without any serunding (ceh, mat salleh influence tak nak kalah still). Takpe this year looks like jadi history that I don't have serunding for my ramadhan and no baju kurung for Eid.
Ok2 actually ni bukanlah benda yang nak dikongsi, Iffah nak kongsi pasal cara bersahur orang bujang yang pemalas Ya Rabbi. Alang-alang tinggal rumah sorang kan memang hidup ni makan apa yang perut montel ni boleh belasah kan. Kalau ada rezeki, rajin 1-2 inci sikit, dapat la prut ni bersahur nasi goreng hari tu tapi mak aiiii, tak tahan kot. Tengahhari perut dah rebel and kuang asam kriuk kriuk dalam conference meeting. SubhanaAllah waktu tu rasa macam nak lari keluar tandas, marah perut suruh diam. Hahah >.< malu kali kedua (peace 2 jari)
So secara kesimpulannya, (sabar, tau belum cerita cam mana dah terus2 boleh dapat conclusi kan) perut ni mintak sahur yang simple2 je sebab first day puasa, Iffah sahur kat location. So kalau dah kat tengah2 padang jarak padang terkuku' tu mana la nak masak semua kan. So sahur ngan cereal je la and pisang. Siap browse sahur yang paling baik ok. Jumpa few options, ehhh makan simple camtu boleh pulak tahan 16 jam buat kerja lagi tu.
So nampak tak how miserable I am now? Ya Allah, kepala ni dah tak tau dah nak pikir apa nak buat apa. All I know I have few months to go before fly jumpa Ebak Ibu and my sisters/brothers kat Malaysia. Sebabkan ketahanan perut ni ada limitnya jadi sekarang setiap kali sahur amik simple je bukan dimple bukan pimple.
Pagi tadi, sahur untuk Ramadhan ke-15 (Alhamdulliah dah half kan. Syukur pada Allah) teringin nak makan roti susu. Ingat lagi waktu kecik-kecik selalu makan roti susu cicah la milo ke or hentam macam tu je pon sedap. Jadi, kat sini ada gak roti susu. jangan ingat Negara ni moden sangat sampai benda-benda gitu pon takde ye. Shopping kat Walmart jumpa Hawaiian buns benda dah sebijik roti susu, rasa pon pergh tip toe (tukar sikit). So amik strawberry spread sapu and cicah ngan susu. Pergh Alhamdulillah sedap gak la kat tekak hambo ni.
King's Hawaiian ni la yang rasa macam roti susu. SEDAP!!!
Simple kan? So now I'm trying to keep it simple as possible so that dapat jugak la ber'diet' secara kasarnya. Ehhhh, Iffah dah turun 4 kg tau after 4 months kat OKC ni. Mana tidak, chicken and beef tak boleh nak makan. So melanyak seafood je la kan.
InsyaAllah kalau ada rezeki nanti Iffah share ngan you guys ye pasal falafel burger a.k.a garden burger. Tapi kena try dulu amik gambar baru la share kan. Hari tu dah try tapi tak amik gambar so ada reason makan burger kat the Garage lagi yeay!!!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I'm in Grobok

Haaaaa kalau nak tahu dalam dunia ni agaknya I ni la perempuan yang paling malas nak melilit-lilit selendang. Bukan apa kadang-kadang nak cepat kan. Kalau tengok style kat youtube tu nampak diorg buat macam senang, result cantik je but bila try sendiri kat kepala, Ya Allah, dah macam monster haha
So, last weekend amik days off takde mood nak pergi job kan lagipon Independence day (July 4) kat US ni kan *post ni lama dah kat drafting ;p*. Takkan la tak nak enjoy and pergi shopping ke apa kan. So weekend tu I amik chances to pergi shopping kat Oklahoma Stores. Ya ampun, barang-barang branded murah sangat ok. Takde la kata sampai murah RM 10 tapi ada yang boleh dapat 8 kali ganda murah dari kat Malaysia.
So memandangkan bershopping seorang diri, tak nak la beli barang banyak-banyak kan. Tak larat dek non nak mengangkat. So menyinggah kat 3 main stores yang memang dah set to beli barang je
(1) COACH - dapat la melanyak 3 bag; 2 totes bag, 1 sling bag for my sisters
(2) NINE WEST - ni untuk hambo la yang hantu kasut ni kan. 2 pasang buy 1 50% 2nd pair
(3) SUNGLASS HUT - Aduh, yang ini tak boleh nak cakap la kan, dek kerana sunglass ku yang dah bercalar balar sebab pakai kat field punya pasai, terpaksa selit duit dalam kasut supaya tak membazir. Sunglass ni I cerewet sikit nak yang betul2 kena sebab tak terpikir la pulak nak tukar-tukar ikut mood kan.
So, budget hari tu nak melaram. Cari baju 'ini tak sesuai, itu tak sesuai, eh ni summer tak mau la pakai 2 lapis panas' - ni la gaya orang Malaysia yang poyo ingat diri mat salleh sedangkan Malaysia lagi la panas, boleh je pakai inner siapkan. Hahah
So cari punya cari last-last pakai la baju I yang color ????biru kehijauan??? - tak tahu color apa, pakai with grey inner. Huh kenapa baju ni unique? waktu beli baju biru ni, seingat2 la beli bulan puasa lepas with my sisters kat bandar (sorry tak hingat nama mall tu). ada 1 kedai buat charity, baju-baju yang dia jual, apa yang kita bayar itulah yang di donatekan. Basically, kedai tu jual barang memang murah-murah.

Sorry gambar tak cantik
 Baju knitting macam ni haruslah ada kawannya yang sedondon kan. So merengek ngan my sister 'Nak kena beli inner ni, but common la hitam and putih kan' So sebab kecekapan dan ke'kretivitan' my sister yang juga owner kepada GROBOK suggested a grey inner instead. Naaaaaaa cantik giler matching :)
So jom balik semua ke Oklahoma ye *mode ingat Malaysia harus dikurangkan demi menguatkan diri yang keseorang di sini* dah jumpa, ok sekarang ni tudung pulak. Alamak, masalah belum selesai. Inilah bestnya jadi orang perempuan ni kan, kita selalu sangat la ada masalah tak pernah senang hati punya. So godeh sini godeh sana. Makluman: waktu packing barang nak datang sini, packing syria je banyak sbb senang nak pergi kerja, bila nak ber'over' sikit dah mengangau tak jumpa selendang.
JUMPAAAAA!!!! tudung GROBOK Stripes. Oh waktu beli dari my sister, pikir juga cam mana la pulak nak pakai tudung ni ahhh? Ok, dikuatkan hati, belasah je la apa nak jadi kita try je. Belit sikit sini, ok jadi-jadi, pin sini, kanan pergi kiri, kiri pergi atas kepala, pin sini, betulkan bahagian dada, Puuuuffffff (macam cartoon) SIAP! puas hati!!! so ni la hasilnya :)
selendang Stripes dari GROBOK. Sorry bukan model tak pandai posing
So nak share la kepada yang membaca, kalau nak usha tudung-tudung or kalau yang suka customade dressess, tak suka kalau beli baju tersama ngan jiran ke terboria ngan boss kat office ke, haaaaaa GROBOK boleh offer anda design yang pasti tak mengecewakan. So apa tunggu lagi, like diorg kat facebook and buatla order sekarang!!!!!

gambar tak related dengan cerita, tapi credit tudung dari GROBOK jugak.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Sedetik Lupa, Binasa

It's been already 13 days the Muslims celebrating Ramadhan. Alhamdulillah. What a time! Hoping that we are always under the shade of Allah till Jannah. InsyaAllah. Here's what I what to share with, yesterday I was browsing through my facebook feed and a note caught my eyes, wrote by Kak Dina a.k.a Wardina Safiyyah about a mother who caused her 3 years old daughter's death.
That caught my attention to browse for the news and Innalilahiwainailaihirojiun. I pity the girl and for sure the mother was not in her intention millions years to do that as well but this is what we call the carelessness. Daddy always told me Sedetik lupa, Binasa (once you forget, you're doomed!). In anything that we do, we have to always be extra careful.
My condolence goes to the family of Nur Awal Iris. But as a Muslims, we will always have to accept the faith and there is no reason to torture or judge the mother. I bet if at that time God gives her chance to save her daughter's life with hers, she would! Yes, there are thousands of mother out there in Malaysia angry with what had happen but we have to understand as well that death is the closest thing to us.
Allah has promised Iris the heaven and now she's waiving to us in a sun-bright-smile waiting for his parents to come. Don't grief for what had happen. This is the best thing that happen to her but yeah not to the mother. You see - Allah is the best Planner, he planned well and perfect. I would say that by taking Iris at her early age would have safe her from making sins in this world.
But carelessness have no apologise, that's how the world sees it. Mistakes that had happen never be considered to mold with us. We want a perfect world but we never understand that the world will never be perfect because there'll be an end for this. The DOOMS DAY! I'm not a mother yet but I know deep down in every mothers' eyes and hearts they always want the best and do nothing that can hurt their kids.
Mistakes are to be taken as a book for revision. To all mothers outside, there are things that is beyond your control. Keep shaking the world with your pure loves.
Ingat Allah ada 2 macam bala yang Allah turunkan;
(1) kerana kekhilafan kita dan kejahilan kita kepada Nya
(2) kerana sayang dan cintaNya pada kita
So, sama-sama lah kita musabah diri untuk ke jalan yang lebih diRedhai Allah
Waahua'lam :)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Ya Roh, Ya Jiwa, Ya Batin, Ya Zahir

Lama dah tak menaip dalam Bahasa kan. Ok jom kali ni kita cakap Melayu pulak. Baru-baru ni saya ada terbaca pasal Roh dan Jasad. Haaaaaa dah kenapa pulak Iffah nak tulis pasal benda ni kan? Ok, ni kan bulan puasa. Syaitan takde so kalau kita masih buat kesalahan maknanya kita tak blh nak salahkan syaitan di Akhirat nanti sebabnya waktu syaitan takde pon kita masih buat dosa kan. Tu kita la tu yg lebih jahat dari syaitan. Nauzubillah (Ya Allah, tolong jauhkan kami dari seksa azab kubur dan nerakaMu)

Ok so berbaling tentang nasihat roh kepada jasad ni tadi. This is for sharing and reminder for us, sesungguhnya kita manusia biasa yang takkan pernah lari dari melakukan kesilapan tetapi kita jangan lupa bahawasanya kerana itulah Allah Maha Pengampun. Dia sukakan pengampunan dan kerana itu kita berampunlah kepada Allah senantiasa. Jangan sampai kita tergolong dalam golongan orang-orang yang angkuh kepada Allah dan dimasukkan kedalam golongan firaun, qarun dan sebagainya.

Manusia ni dijadikan dengan roh (zahir) dan jasad (batin), pernah tak dengar 'Jangan menipu diri sendiri, jangan menganiaya diri sendiri'. My dad pernah cakap dulu 'Kalau kita tak solat, Allah tak rugi apa-apa, tapi kita yang rugi'. Waktu muda bukan faham sangat pon kan tapi after dah tua kebangka ni baru nak mula faham. Kita ni bukti kehadiran Allah dan bukti QudratNya, kalau kita tak solat, Allah tak rugi sebab kita Hak Dia. Kita la yang rugi, hilang cinta Allah maka hilang segalanya.

My dad pon pernah cakap, zahir kita tak tido dan dia hanya menyembah Allah setiap waktu setiap masa. Maknanya kalau kita tak solat dan kita buat kejahatan, kita sebenarnya dah berhutang dengan diri kita sendiri yakni batin/roh kita. Logic kan kalau difikirkan. Kehidupan ini adalah kuasa Allah, maknanya ada perkara yang boleh menjadi logik dan ada juga yang boleh menjadi luar biasa. Kita sebagai yang percaya kepada Allah ni, paling baik bersyukur dan berharap pada Allah SWT sahaja.

Kematian adalah saat bila roh akan keluar dari jasad dan meninggalkan jasad tak bernyawa. Allah jadikan kita dari tanah (zahir) kemudian Dia tiup kuasanya kedalam jasad - roh (Batin). Jadi janganlah kita lupa dan lalai akan kehidupan kita kerana Roh pasti akan tinggalkan jasad dan itu Janji ALLAH! Waktu sakaratulmaut datang menghadap kita kelak, bila Allah mengarahkan malaikat maut untuk datang memisahkan roh kita, dia datang dalam 2 keadaan, jika kita orang yang beriman, maka dia datang dari hadapan dan dalam keadaan yang lemah lembut menarik keluar roh dari jasad.

Dan ketika itu setiap anggota badan kita tidak mahu melepaskan roh keluar kerana setiap anggota badan lahirkan rasa bersyukur atas apa yang telah kita lakukan - mulut (berzikir dan mengucap syukur kepada Allah), tangan (beramal jariah), kaki (berjalan ke kebaikan), mata (melihat kekuasaan Allah), telinga (mendengar ucapan-ucapan Allah). Namun arahan Allah adalah Haq, jadi keluarlah roh dengan sendiri dalam keadaan yang paling lembut
NAMUN! jika kita sebaliknya, maka dicabut roh dalam keadaan yang dasyat dan saya tak sanggup nak imagine dan Nauzubilllah minzali'. Kematian dalam drama semua tu bohong. Sedangkan Nabi Muhammad yang telah Allah janjikan Syurga dan manusia ciptaan yang paling sempurna itu pon menitis peluh di dahi, inikan kita yang berdosa setiap saat setiap detik masa berlalu. Astaghfirullahhalazim.
Jadi, sempena bulan Ramadhan yang Mulia ini, jom pals kita muhasabah diri sama-sama ke arah kebaikan dan ingat bahawa dunia ini sementara tempat mencari bekalan untuk kehidupan hakiki yang selama-lamanya
Waalahualam :)


Friday, July 12, 2013

Ramadhan ya Ramadhan

Have you ever been in a situation when you don't know what to do and you practically have nothing to do? - Oh yeaaahhh I hate this feeling like seriously it's impossible to have nothing that can be done. I'm trying to save my energy in case I'm gonna be called out on a job today evening. How I wish i can just go back home now and wait for the call.

Standby mode is so boring and full with suspense. You know you gonna get a call soon but you don't know how soon. do you get it? - hope you do. hahah been here in the office since morning and till know I have no freaking things that I want to do except to get to know when I will be need at the location. Plus, it's Ramadhan and I wish I can have my nights for my Tarawikh but anyhow, working is still an i'badah isn't it? So should I feel wasted?

Talking about Ramadhan, this is my first very experience fasting alone. You see I have this mental problem where till now I'm yet to go to the OKC Islamic Center meeting friends and other Muslims here in Oklahoma City. No, no because I'm too lazy or trying to avoid the community but I just don't find the time and I don't want to spend my time in the mosque and get a phone call 'Iffah, location now in Kansas 4 hours driving'.

Hello!!! I don't want to live like that and like this. I want to cherish my lifetime and enjoy every tick of the time here but unfortunately it's not what I have at the moment. You see - my mom told me 'It's good you/re alone there, at least less gossips and less sins' hahahah ibu ibu ibu *am I getting old by saying a word 3 times in a row? - hope not :p*

Anyway, Ramadhan Ramadhan Ramadhan *oops, again????* I miss my Ramadhan with my family ;(
How I wish I can be back in Malaysia just for a night and enjoy my Ramadhan with them. monologue; Don't worry Iffah, you'll have you time insyaAllah next year and the year coming. I'm gonna miss the feel of unite between the Muslims and Non-Muslims during the fast-breaking.

Not original from me - courtesy from some other source :)
Back in Malaysia, we just have to wait for the authority to announce when is the first day of Ramadhan but it is so different from here in the State. Have to understand living in a Non-Muslim country would have make it a lot more difficult but still accessible. Different mosques will have different dates normally it's just the a day different, not a big deal if you're confident and yakin in heart.
For me, I used Islamic Finder site as my references and technically, I follow the Malaysia time. So last Tuesday was my first day of Ramadhan. Anywho (not an English word nor Malay) I had my first day of fasting on location. Wasn't that hard because everyone knows when you're on location, you barely have time to think about food at least till your job is done. I know I may get dehydrated if I'm too long under the sun and all I can do is put all the hopes to Allah - enough with His help I should make it through this month of forgiveness.
So peeps, I would like to wish everyone, Happy Ramadhan and may we be rained by Allah's bless and Jannah as the rewards. InsyaAllah
P/S: Please forgive me if I've done wrongs in my writing or my deeds :)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Orchid it is!

Wow - that's all I can say to Jovian Mandagie's new collection for Tesco market. Who says you have to spend thousands to wear his. Let's deal with it, they could not be comparable with the thousands dollars dresses and outfit but they do look good still.

Ok, if so you know, Jovian is a young-Malaysian-fashion-designer. He's collections and designs are astonishing. Talking about his new collection - 'ORKED' (orchid in Malay) simply a beautiful fragrant flowers that to me is snobbish to care off but stylish to blooms off. 

What I like about this new collection is that, They can garb ladies with hijabs too. It's elegant but still projecting the politeness and softness of a feminine. Looks like I have add a new items on my wishlist for this year Eidulfitri :) yeeehaaaa

After looking at few orked designs of his, I could tell the principle that he's holding is traditional exquisite yet remarkable. The waist is lend with the sweet belt and orchid touch that makes the lady looks Eastern-well-bred. cutting and framework are clean and lean.

Here, enjoy few pictures of his (courtesy from JM's facebook)

Olana Grey

Oofa Pink and Omara Aqua

Olsou Mint

Olivia Grey

Odessa Mouve - My favorite of all <3

These are the best dresses that I picked from his collections. Told you, you can feel the orchid touch only by looking at those dresses. I love them. So folks, if you want to see more, go to Jovian Mandagie or Tesco Malaysia 

Special for you people here's the sneak peak on my favorite choices (Oofa Pink and Odessa Mouve details)

So, feeling like buying? Here's how you can do it online (pre-order stock for Malaysian only - Sorry). Happy Shopping

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Best Shrimp Burrito

I know I don't have many followers but I know I have readers and some are my regular 'customers'. Thank you for your support. Anyhow I'm writing not because I want people to read and know about me but it is one extraordinary medium for me to share and talk about with or without listener. Most of my readers are from the States and Malaysia and there are some from Russia and other countries (Thank you again) and that is why I apologize if I do my writing in a mix of Malay and English. Sometimes there are words best describe in Malays.

Enough with the unrelated intro, I want to share how fortunate I am living in the States where you can experience great collision of culture. Yes, you are so DARN right! I'm talking about food. You can get all kind of different food from different countries and they are originally cooked by native people of each culture.

My favorite food is of course Mexican Burrito and my favorite cuisine would be the Mediterranean. I thought all this while the best burrito would be the one with egg and cheese inside but yesterday, a field hand brought me a shrimp burrito. At first, I ask myself how on earth could shrimp goes well with cheese and egg. Eeeuuuuw hahah here's the thing, it was not as I imagine at all. There was no egg nor cheese in the burrito instead it has green bean with some sort of sauce that tasted like curry and it's spicy. Gosh! It's great Alhamdullillah :)

So stop thinking about breakfast burrito from Sonic or Ruby's. They're great but this is the real Mexican burrito.

Shrimp Burrito ~Yum yum~

Sunday, May 12, 2013

3S (Spring/Summer Shoe Shop)

I'm a shoe lover. Oh yeaaaaahhhhhh I'm addicted with them :p. If you know who am I you would be shock that I have bunch of new shoes that I'm yet to put on but I still try my luck to spend pennies to buy more. Unfortunately, I left all my lovely shoes back in Malaysia because I don't see the objectives of bring them over while I can buy new new new shoes again again again. Hahaha

**Teringat my mom pernah cakap 'Hahaha, now you cannot buy heels' when I told her that i'm gonna work in a workshop and field where the only footwear is my steel-toe boot and not a stilleto.**

Thinking about buying no shoes for summer really killing me. I force myself to save my money for travelling but oh nooooo spending time waiting to run my equipment in hole on location makes me insane and I spend the time either learning Spanish or online shopping. Yeay it's a bad habit a very bad one but oh don't stop me from buying shoes because those are like drugs to me.

Heard of Kimora Lee? Oh sorry I'm not a fashionista and I don't know who she was but because I love, I saw her face on the homepage. Kahkahkah. I'm a very proud noob. I have few shoes from and shoedazzle that I cannot blink my eyes. They make me drop my mouth to my toe. I'M IN LOVVVVVEEEEEEEE!!!!

Personally, I love booties and boot. I could go with wedges as well and if I have a better choice, I would not go with high pumps. I can only stand for 5 mins in them and that's just it, butt lock on a chair. So it's not good during any event right? But heck yeah I still wear them when I can avoid grass and sand. Hahaha

This month wishlist including these 3 shoes (courtesy from and does offer great footwear too.

Lock those eyes, sweetie

Get ready for Summer

Spring is just about to start

A piece of advice, shoes can make you taller and sexier but just watch you posture and back OK! don't hurt yourself :) 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Malays are scared of Change?

If we want a change it must come from us - Anwar Ibrahim. Doesn't what he meant make sense? Oh sorry, Malays don't really think that way, aren't we? Thinking back, I wouldn't call myself a malay, I'm a Malaysian. I really teared my eyes when I see Chinese people stand up for their rights and dignities but what happen to the Malays? Are you people still wanting to be the slaves in your own country? You don't see that because the government is killing us softly. They use race issues as their 'democratic' approach and you typical Malays believe them till death.

We are being lied through the history of our own country. Why do people see the Tunku Abdul Rahman is the savior? why don't we look at Onn Jaafar as a great leader and hero? Because he has no space of speech after he was kicked out from UMNO. He has the first idea to unite all the races in Malaysia which eventually Tunku did after that. Yeah! 'democratic' so called I guess. Your history subject in schools are manipulated version of the real story. We are a country that gets the independence without any blood drops. Huh??? Aren't we great! Wow!!! Easy peacy money!

We are not ashamed at all to be corrupted country. Ya Allah, I'm so ashamed to be called Malays now because I need a change and I can't spill my thought for not being call as government opponent and 'Penentang bangsa'. I'm so sorry if you people hate me for what I said and about to say, but leaving in the States (yeah, I know it's just my 4th month here) makes me see how I don't see my future in my own country. I have no freedom to speak, I have no freedom to stand by my own rights?

How democratic are we? Leaders rule the constitution eventhough in your 'HISTORY' subject says Constitution should overruled everything. Kah Kah kah isn't that funny? Negaraku! One more big issue that I see the malays have. It's a darn deep disease chronic level 5 cancer. You hate to talk about the past. Whatever had happen, just accept that, familiar with these?

Redha, ini ketentuan Allah, kita manusia takde kuasa
Terima je la dah itu yang Allah tentukan
Apa yang Allah beri adalah yang terbaik
Apa-apa pon periuk nasi aku selamat, lantak pi la orang lain
Ala, cina mana nak tolong orang melayu, kita je dok tolong diorang. dasar makan ****
Kalau kerajaan tak bela hidup kita, kat mana lagi kita nak berteduh?

Aaaaahhhhh, cut these crap! Nobody is wrong when we say we have to accept this Qada' and Qadar but do we ever ask ourselves, are we actually giving the best and full effort in making a change to ourselves? Right, Usaha -> Doa -> Tawakal. but don't be the slaves of your own life. Nabi Muhammad SAW, he's the greatest leader of all time. When he fight, he fight at his best level and even he lost, he never give up. He try try and try till his opponent surrender themselves to him. So why MALAYS you have to give up and let the natural calls for the right?

Make a change, it doesn't mean that you have to kill others for justice. Stand on your leg, fight for your rights and dignity. Don't make them sleep in peace without telling you the truth. I know that I sounded like the opponent party in Malaysia. OF COURSE! not because of I anti the government but I want a change. I want to see how far the opponent can bring us in the eye of the world and in our lives. MALAYS are scared to take the risk because we want to live in our comfort zone and that is the reason why we are left far behind! Sorry peeps, I'm just saying!

I remember, back in 2006 I guess, Tun Mahathir came over to UTP for a talk. Oh, he's there every year. I will never forget these from his mouth 'Yesterday, I flipped through a book of Doa' and I stop over a Doa' for passing an exam. So, it's easy to pass, don't have to go to class and study. Just read this Doa' and you'll pass' and he laugh after that. Oh my, I was about to get my butt of from the chair and leave the hall. How could a person recognized to be the Muslim figure speaks in that manner? I wasn't aware of that at that moment. He was telling us that, you have to keep trying and DON'T GIVE UP! I hope that's what he meant. Not all the things that he said I can digest and accept but as for that, he made a sense.

I don't hate Malays and I don't hate the Chinese either eventhough my dad has been chased out from a Chinese workshop few years back when he tried to help the man. But I know my dad always doesn't want to see the fall of Malaysia because Malays did the same thing to him. Don't let your narrow mind to control your future. It's time to wake up people! It's time for change and keep asking for the truth because you deserve bunch!

Anyhow not all 'Malays' are typical, there are bunch like me too I know. I hope it's about time for Malaysian to take the risk :)