Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Laksa Johor in Houston

Minala'dil walfaizil sama-sama, bemaaf-maafan sesama kita di Hari Raya - nyanyi sikit

SELAMAT HARI RAYA EIDULFITRI to all yang celebrate :) It was such a short yet splendid celebration over in Malaysia. What is Eid without visiting chores to others. This year raya sedih sikit la sebab first time celebrate kat overseas. It's not being away from Malaysia that made me sad but it's the feeling being away from family that kills my tears out on the last day of Ramadhan.

Had to takbir alone by myself in the hotel room and holding my tears while looking at the pictures that my sister send. But eventually this is what life is all about. Life is about taking everything that you have and try to make it a worth while living. So it wasn't that bad after all, spending my Raya here in Houston. I love my Houston family so very much. Can't wait to bring my parents here and introduce them to my new family.

So, was "wechat"ting with my sister on the eid eve (Malaysia time) and I feel so lonely at that time. Told my mom that i'm gonna miss her 'Laksa Johor' so very much, for me, it's not raya without any Laksa Johor. Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah after exam on Friday, went to Kak Lin's house in Sugarland and she served Laksa Johor. Ohhhh my Lord, Allah! It was so good and to be honest, for a moment we feel like home, Houston is like sinking away from us. Thank you Allah for the great opportunity and experience. I will never forget about this 2013 Eid (1434 H)!
At Kak Lin's house :)

the desert table - still waiting for half of the deserts


Till licking good~style Johorian makan with hand

Homemade ABC (Ais Batu Cair)

water slide for the kids
Laksa Johor! Laksa Johor! Laksa Johor! ~ still craving for Ibu's Laksa Johor but not as bad as before. Thank you Kak Lin and En Shamsul for the great hospitality :)



  1. owh my! selamat hari raya! which part of houston ni? i dekat houston tp raya sorg2 sbb susahnya, i x jumpa malay langsung since im here a month ago.. saje google n jumpe this blog..

    1. Oh, ramai orang malaysia in Houston. Most of them ada kat area Spring and Katy. If you like I can introduce you to some of them. I'm in Oklahoma but everytime I'm down there we gather. They're kind and it really feels like home with them :)


feel free to drop few words! Thank you