Saturday, December 21, 2013

Hello my name is ween ~ call me HalloWEEN

Ya Allah, lama giler dah tak berblog.... hush banyak weiiii cerita nak cerita al maklumla mulut becok tak reti stop cakap kan. hahahha ok ok ok, niii kena and wajib share cerita travel pergi NY sebabnya orang selalu nak pergi NY to celebrate new year. ohhh sorry not me to be in the crowded mrowded area like that ok

A trip that I was look forward last month actually hehehe. Yeay it wasn't as smooth as I thought it's going to be. Me loves traveling but sometimes traveling alone can be crazy and exhausting. Couldnt get a direct flight from Oklahoma City to New York and the cheapest flight I got was with Frontier and it's a transit flight in Denver, Colorado. It all started with an extra charge for a carry on bag that cost me additional of USD 50 return. Hola Holi Ku beri nama saudara saudari cekebum cikebum

2:00 PM - Your flight from DEV to LGA delay from 3:15 PM to 6:00 PM. Whataaaaaaa h*****???!!! flight delay? Haish blew out my eyes when I received this message on my phone. Oh hahahaha not fun soooo not fun dearies. Try hard to call Aqilah and Karla to let them know that my flight is delay. Change plan laaaaaaa at the end since I'm not talking the subway and buses alone after midnight. It's killing me there!!! Haiyaaa boring ooooo sepnding time alone in the airport. Dont know what to do and talk to.

After midnight landed in New York. Woweeeyyyy junior juice! It's feels exactly like in HIMYM (How I met your mother). The buildings, the yellow cabs, the traffic, everything feels right and I smile in myself finally I'm in New York! Took a cab to the Bentley Hotel in Upper East Side. Aqilah and Karla already in pyjamas ready to sleep

OK kejap2, korang mesti macam wondering kenapa banyak sangat duit pergi NY kan. Ok actually hati ni at first 50/50 since I know my pocket is not that big to travel there. Tapi memandangkan my passport ni nak expired, nak tak nak kena la jugak spend a bit to fly there. nasib kejap je kalau tambah few days there mau kepuk duit keluar macam angin. hahaha

Eh, lupaaaaa it was Halloween season. Like I said, me no NYC during winter and New York! So, houses there memang gempak meletop bom bang cantik and BEST with the halloween decorations!!! eh, kalau tak caya, naahhhhh tgk pictures ni.

Halloween House #1

Halloween House #2

The best Halloween house seen in city

Please ignore the fake scared face

I'm lovin' this decorations <3 <3

first day je dah jalan miles (1 miles = 1.6 km oopsss heheh) dari upper east side walk to downtown walk back to the Central Park last sekali hinggap kat Times Squares. walk walk walk walk walk. Whatever it is, I have to stop writing now, helping my mom at the kitchen. She's making Nasi Lemak special in Oklahoma City.... it's great to get some hot Malaysia foods in this below freezing weather. Buurrrrrrrr COLDDD!!! Bye

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