Thursday, November 11, 2010

God of Knowledge

What happen when a student is believed to be brilliant and do not make mistakes in his study life? Yes, a God of Knowledge. I have a classmate who I now called him the God of Knowledge. Whatever he says, he does, he talks everything are swallowed blindly by people around him. For me, it is too funny and I just can't stop laughing whenever I called him the God of Knowledge. God does not omit sins and He's the creator, He knows every single things that go round this world. So if people believe that he made no sins, then we should just call him the God, right?

I would say most of my classmate praise him like he is some kind of miracle that is sent to this earth to help them in they studies. I am dare enough to say this because I was the victim of this 'miracle' several times and yesterday was the peak moment of everything. I'm not jealous with his knowledge but whenever he says the solution is wrong, IT MEANS WRONG and there is no even a single human being trying to argue or spat his idea. All they do is copy his work and submit to the lecturer. Then, why on earth do they have to attend those lectures, just stay in the room and wait for his solution. It is so disturbing because people tend to be dishonest in their works and the main concern is just to get an A with no sincerity and efforts and eventually it happen to my group my group mate believe in him (who is in a different group) and claimed our group assignment was wrong.

Back in 2008, I had this assignment that I did all by myself alone. So when people asked for solution, I explained my workings. After couple of days, I had an email by others saying that my solution is wrong so to clarify thing, I asked them how do they know it was wrong, they answered 'because *****'s answer is different from yours'. What the heck is that? Just because my answers is different doesn't means it's wrong so I met my lecturer for some opinions on the working and he told me, mine is correct and maybe there are several methods applicable to compute the solution. So, what would you conclude from that? He's the God of Knowledge for them isn't it? Since that I just don't feel like sharing my solutions with others and that makes me a better person because I can survive with no one helps and I felt sincere in my studies.

Before dropping off, I just what to remind myself and everyone, Humans are humans, no one can be God because we make mistakes and imperfect. Those mistakes are to be the best teacher in teaching us to be humble and trust in ourselves. No matter how high you jump, you'll fall back to the ground and that is just how life works. Learn to be independent and use your brain to think! Thanks for your time so long :)~


  1. iffah, jgn lupe, kte juge ade classmate yg dipanggil library bergerak... haha

  2. nak like gak. library tu dah la bergerak, boleh drive pulak. bayangkan, library duduk dlm kereta dan kereta tu bergerak. padat tak?


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