Sunday, November 14, 2010


Defined as 'afraid or suspicious of other people and believing that they are trying to harm you, in a way that is not reasonable' or 'suffering from a mental illness in which you wrongly believe that other people are trying to harm you or that you are very important'

These are exactly what I feel now! What is happening to me? Why are all the bad thoughts rant through my mind. I don't need them the only thing I need is to reminisce good memories to boost my strength and motivate me for my finals.
Have you ever experience the same problem as mine? How did you turn yourself back from those and what are the main contributors of this bad adjective?
At a point I felt timid and all I can think is people hate me and they are trying to isolate me out. Sometimes I have explanations on anything that I do and did but they seem to be ignored and couldn't care less about me.
When things get worst, I can feel the nerves in body telling that I'm an invisible. Nobody sees me and I'm not exist around them. WHY? WHY do I feel this way? It's so disturbing and frequently this feeling caused me to back off and let myself to be the prey. This is not me, I dont like to give up without effort but is it because scared of being ignored or hated I change the real me?

Please bring back the real IFFAH GARIB!

Read more on PARANOIA


  1. uit, awatnyaaaa????
    chaiyok iffah!
    success wont come, unless u run for it. :)
    nobody hates u lahhhh. mereka yang selfish. (emo) haha

  2. urm the problem is with me... kita ni yang cam tiba2 jadi paranoid... sometimes org tak pikir camtu but i think the other way round. ke I'm getting older? slalu org tua ni sensitive kan? haha


feel free to drop few words! Thank you