Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's my destiny

Good roommates would not to these stuffs to hurt their roommates:

(1) You hate your roommate to have a better life
(2) Slam the door and cupboard especially when you rommie is sleeping. That is sooooo rude and rattle your roommate's nerves

(3) Turn your speaker loudly when you rommie is studying. Do learn how to respect people
(4) Spit taboo words like you're a perfect human
(5) Hate your roommie for what they do but at the same time those are your habits
(6) When you get fight with your boyfriend/girlfriend, you let the stress out to your roommie. She/He is not you stress dustbin! Please take note

(7) You be you roommie photocopy. From head to toe you copy her style with even the same perfume. That is CRITICAL!

(8) You chomping like a duck beside her and you don't even offer your roommate some
(9) You bring friends to sleepover without letting know your roommate. They need their own privacy too
(10) You mock your roommate for her/his physical appearance. That is too much. Remember, you're not perfect too

NOTE: If you unintentionally do a happy-jump when your roommate told you that he/she is having a sleepover at others, that means you're the victim and that makes you don't feel comfortable staying in the room with these type of people. All the best finding the right roommies and Please don't do these things to your roommate.

So long :)

1 comment:

  1. iffah, saya sudah pun menukar url blog saya.


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