Wednesday, October 20, 2010


We say children are cruel but they aren't. They are too honest with their words because they haven't make any sins and mistakes. They are pure in heart and mind. I miss my childhood life where I can say whatever I want and do whatever I wish for without people comment and against those. I've gone through half way of my final year as a student and I started to think if I were to be given choices either to be an adult or a child, I will choose the second option. Being a child, I have no responsible to think of, no problems to be faced on. All I can think is doing what I love without bothering what other people will think of me.

There are 2 stories that I will never forget about me as an innocent kid. I still remember when I was in the kindergarten, my teacher told me that my results were good and asked me to show my results to my mom and dad. Then she said 'please get your parents to put their signatures here in the report card, OK' with curiosity I asked my teacher 'What is signature?', she smiled 'Iffah minta tolong ibu dan Ebak tandatangan kertas ni'. So i nodded and bring my result back, at night before went off to bed I asked my parents to sign the report card for me. Early in the morning, I checked the card and they haven't sign it so thinking of the 'BIG RESPONSIBILITY' that my teacher gave me, I took a black pen and start to draw my own hand on my test papers. Before my parents left for their work, my mom asked for the report card and proudly I said 'It's ok, Fafa dah tandatangan' with hand showing her the signature. My mom was so shocked and laughed like crazy. She called my dad and they were laughing. Ok, I can still remember how my face looked like, wondering why were they laughing at me. 


My mom told me signature is like an initial, it is unique where different people will have different style of signing. Ok, that was really an innocent action and my mom loves to tell people about that whenever she were talking about my childhood. She also loves to tell people about how I was acting when we were in the USA. When I was 4, my family and I went for a vacation in the State. One day when we were walking in a park, I begged for a chewing gum as I saw many people there chewing those and they looked cool. My parents refused to buy me one. After few minutes walking, my mom looked at me and she asked me 'Fafa, what's in your mouth?' with innocent face, I took a gum out from my mouth and she was so panic asking where I got the gum "Siapa bagi ni?, where did you get this?". Honestly I can't remember that but my mom will always lever this. Based on her story, I got the gum under a bench in the park. Yeah I know it's disgusting  haha but maybe because I was too eager to have one and that eventually forced me to just take it from the bench. This shows how determine I am in getting want I want right? haha :P

Eventhough those days are behind me now but they are vivid in my parents heart and mind. That's all I can ask for as a daughter. Plus, at least I have something funny to share with my kids, grand-kids, great gran-kids... Haha :P

Ok, till next post, So long :)


  1. iffah, ini bukan saje kelakar, malah sgt kelakar. kite ingt time kite drjah 2, ade sorang kawan kite tu, cikgu suruh die lukis gambarajah, die gi lukis gambar gajah kt blackboard.

  2. itu sound trouble namenye nadhira.. haha

  3. You write very good ! You are a writer ? I will find a post for you in my company ! VERY GOOD ! I need you in my company !
    Eleanor Wachtel

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. wow Eleanor Wachtel! Something that I don't expect. How on earth did you find this blog? Wow. Thanks for the compliment but I believe there are plenty more rooms for improvements. Anyway I ain't no writer, I writes when I feel like doing one. Thanks again


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