Friday, May 4, 2012


Kematian itu perkara yang nyata. Kita takde kuasa nak menghalang. Di mana sahaja malaikat maut akan tiba untuk mencabut ON TIME! takde delay2.

Teringat kisah a friend of mine, baru jugak kes kematian father dier. Yasmin, I know you're a strong girl :) Keep the faith with you. I nak amik cerita pasal dier. I dont know the whole story tapi from her twitter I rasa I know that her father passed away waktu buat Umrah with the family. Innalillah (dari Allah kita datangm kepada Allah kita kembali).

Looking her tweeting about it makes me remember that I miss Ebak sooooo much. Dah about 2 months tak jumpa Ebak and call sbb I couldn't reach him from here but sometimes dapat jugak la Skype with him :) 5 days to go! Can't wait to be back home.

Ayah, abah, Papa, Papi, Dad, Abi those are the names that we call our fathers. Waktu mereka hidup, kita lupa nak dengar cakap mereka. Kita selalu bagi alasan and ignore advices diorg. Betul kan? Kalau father cakap jangan keluar malam, kita lawan, cakap ayah kita ni old school la. Bila ayah pergi kerja, itu la time paling kita suka sbb takde orang nak marah kita.

Dulu when I was small, I selalu ingat kalau Ebak takde kat rumah, best! Sbb I boleh buat macam-macam. Tapi bila Ebak balik, macam-macam nanti Ebak mintak tolong. Buat ini la buat itu la. This is a true story yang I nak share. *kalau Ebak baca, habisla :p* tapi ini semua dulu ye. I never thought that one day Ebak is my best shoulder. He's always there for me. No man could ever replace him.

Waktu sekolah rendah, after balik sekolah waktu Maghrib, I selalu tidur. Everyday, Bak masuk bilik wake me up and tak bagi I tidur Maghrib. Ebak kata it's not good, waktu tu Syaitan buka sayap dier and semua penyakit spread out. Of course la bila kena kejut bangun, memberontak la kan, merajuk ngan Ebak, nak tak cakap ngan Ebak.

Ebak selalu jadi the man yang will never forget to remind me on anything I do. Waktu kat University, Ebak selalu cakap consistent learning will give you a photogenic mind. I ikut style study Ebak, It works :) He always taught me to be humble. 'Be humble in anything you do with everyone in anytime' he said. And that is the spirit that hold on to.

Yes, Ebak used to be very strict when we were young. waktu tu kita tak paham, my siblings and I pikir ebak nak cage, control, ground kitorang kat rumah. Keluar ngan kawan pon tak blh. Keluar pergi rumah kawan pon tak boleh. Semua tak boleh. Kat KL kot, takkan tak blh? That was what we think before.

But eventually bila dah tua kebangka macam ni, baru I nampak the consequences and I'm happy with what he did to us. Sekarang Ebak dah tak kuasa dah nak bising ngan kitorang not because dier dah malas, but for him we are grown up, we can make our own decision and control ourselves. He taught us enough ngan ilmu agama and ilmu dunis. Both balanced. Now, it's time for us to make it right.

Betul bila orang kata kita akan start appreciate something that we have for so long when it's gone. Lepas masuk UTP and kerja ni, I rasa dah a bit distance from my family. When I'm not a home, anything happen, they don't tell me because they don't want me to worry too much. Bila dah duduk jauh baru I tahu apa yang Ebak buat selama ni, it for our own best. He wants to protect us and that's what a father should do.

Jangan ikutkan sangat budaya barat yang selalu tunjuk parents too control, anak rebel sbb nak freedom at the end, parents yang kena mengalah. That is so wrong. Orang Islam, kita tahu parents have the right. Ayah is the best protector that you can have while you are still single. Betul kan, bila kita keluar and bersosial, bila dah preggy, parents yang lebih malu. Orang tak cakap "Iffah tu ......", they will say "Anak Garib ngan Rohina tu .....". Itulah benda yang I paling takut. I would take the blame for any of my mistakes, not my parents. They've tried and been the best as the can. Cuma kita as anak-anak je yang tak masuk akal.

Waktu kat sekolah bila tulis essay pasal masalah sosial, the main point mesti kita cakap pasal parental guardian kan? kita tahu kuasa ibu bapa tu sangat kuat tapi kita tak pernah nak ikut. Bila parents ground kita, kita marah, kat sekolah kawan2 mocking kita cakap 'Your father tu old school sangat la'. then kita malu sbb we are not like the others. We are wrong! You la yang paling beruntung sbb ada parents yang caring macam  nak giler. Remember family is your best friend. Kawan akan tinggalkan kita bila kita susah, but not our family. Trust in that.

Love your dad while you can and show them how much you love them. Don't be ashamed to say 'I love you' to him. I dulu malu nak msg love you kat Ebak tapi bila dah kerja sorry everytime msg I tulis because I really meant it and I want him to know that he's the best in my world :)

*dedicated to Ebak in Malaysia yang I miss sangat :) He's doing great and fine Alhamdulillah*

p/s: always sedekah Al-fatihah to our parents every night before you go to bed :) Itulah anak yang soleh and solehah.

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