Tuesday, December 13, 2011

2 men

My life currently is like choosing 2 men.
The first man was my soulmate I thought at least.
He and his family have been sacrificed ever since to my family.
They gave us money to survive, to live the world
They helped my family a lot.
I'm thankful for that
But as time goes by, he changed,
he became forceful, arrogant and selfish.
All he knows is 'because I said so'
I can't give opinion nor request anything
Whatever he decided for me I have to follow.
He's now forcing me to accept his proposal

Then I have a new guy whom I met 10 months ago
Eventhough he's a newcomer but I heard good stories about him
He spent alot for me
He helped me to learn about myself
He lend his hand to show me my ability
He proved to me that I'm good in my choice
He was the first to take me out and confess to me
But he's still waiting to propose me
I want him not 'him'

Bella now I understand

Thursday, December 8, 2011


When people asked you, Why hijab?
Appreciate yourself by showing everyone how beauty you are

For them, beauty is what they see physically but they forget that beauty is the strength that only certain people will understand.

Just like a sun, it doesn't dimmed under the cloud. The light shines day and night. The beauty of the rays lock trillion eyes. Some people spent thousands just to watch the beauty of the sunrise and the dawn.

With that bright color, sun has the gift to light up the world and even change to other colors (purple, blue, green) SUBHANALLAH

Same goes with human beauty. You're beauty is not hidden behind the hijab nor your age.
It's how you shine yourself
Be like sun. Clouds, hills and night can't never stop it from shining beautifully.

picture was taken by me on 24/11/11 in front of my house around 6.30pm local time

Monday, December 5, 2011

My road, My desicion

The past 4 years when I walk on  the road, I saw a path.
The path that my heart chose
No one could ever want to stop me
I push, I run, I skid, I move all the wind that stopped me

I determine that on the right road of my life
I became tough and as solid as metal
In heart and on hand and leg
I never regret my way
because it taught me who I am
I know myself better

At the end of the road
where the light comes,
things are about to crash
There are stones along the way
They struggle, they hold and they pull me down
like the vines they tangle me
I see the light
hand towards it but leg stuck on the fence
I force to fight but I teared
for the pain that they have caused

I fight, I break the ropes, I pull the anchor
they buzz my ears like the little bees in the hive
I shouted like a baby wanting her toy back
from a kid to an adult, dreaming
Don't stop me!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


oh no the most scary thought is here! No way not this soon.
My heart has no more feelings, my brain has no more imaginations,
I lost my self-confidence, I lost my self-motivation,

I look and look and read and read on walls,
I saw sorrow, tears, failures in me

Don't tell me to never give up with 'this' life
Don't yell at me to ask me to stand by my side
Don't warn me that life is going to be better

Is Oil and Gas really my destiny?
pffft (I don't feel anything - does this mean I'm giving up?)

WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME????????!!!!!

Monday, September 26, 2011


This post is gonna be bombed by others ni.. oh, don't get me wrong. I do agree with Hudud because that is what I believe and I don't see it as a problem. But I don't deny that the current issue in Malaysia occurs when the penalty of Hudud itself is not being explained and taught well enough to the public. Malaysian only knows how to comment and compliant but they don't really open the book to read and they don't even care to think and ask. they don't want to open their minds about the future and they refused to discuss and look for the truth because they only listen to what they love to listen and they shut their heads for things that they hate to hear. Why there are too many people against Hudud? I learnt about it when I was kids and sees it in a positive way, why can't I now?

Negative propagandas (nanti orang Malaysia semua takde tangan, pakai tangan plastic - so Orang Malaysia ni memang kaki mencuri la ye? curi harta orang, hak orang? like that) were/are made by some people to reject Hudud. For God sake, who's GOING TO CUT YOUR HAND? If you don't steal and if only if you steal without any forces and with witnesses. Look, in Hudud, stealing with force is not to be justices this way. Ok, for instance you're poor and your Mom needs money to buy her medicine, you steal peoples' money. Then the law-man has NO right to cut your hand. What about you are being forced by a gangster or else they'll kill you? You are innocent in this law. See?

Why do Hudud punish a mankind in 'the harsh' way as you see? when a person commits sin stealing with his own willingness and he/she got his/her punishment, they will regret their mistake and will never steal again. Then the public who's looking at those, they will realize their mistakes and AUTOMATICALLY, crimes can be rated down. The punishment is vary according to the offender.

I know there are too many ideologies on this hudud. Please Islam is not mean. The teaching is perfect and you should know about it before you talk about it! sorry if this post is too sensitive but I just don't want people outside (Non-Muslims especially) to see this as a problem for you. For those Muslims if you think that Hudud is wrong, then I think you're wrong because only those who commit sins will never agree on this. Berani kerana benar, takut kerana salah.

Dont't jump to the conclusion. Jangan nak main pakai cakap ikut sedap mulut about facts. Belajar untuk belajar menjadi bijak and adil. Orang melayu mengaku Islam tapi taknak terima apa yang Islam bawa. Part yang sedap kita amik, part tak sedap kita buang. Tapi what can I say, it's really menyedihkan to see orang Islam sendiri lebih percaya pada kata2 mereka yang bukan Islam tentang agama kita. Kenapa? That's the reason why I say that Muslims hanya akan kalah not because of kekuatan mereka but kerana kelemahan kita sendiri. My respect really goes to those who learn and become Muslims than us who are 'born' to be one. Think about it


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ramli is truly a Malaysian Boy

Does the name Ramli rings a bell? haha I can't stop laughing looking at my facebook friends who are intended to be like Ramli or change their name to Ramli.

Those outside Malaysia (hope there are few), Malaysian boys are well-known for their passion to football. I'm telling you, it's very odd and rare to find Malaysian boy who hate football or don't give a da*n shit with the ball world. There are few men I would say but majority are typical.

Since that, footballers are their favorite sport men. They can't live the world if they miss A match of their favorite team. Name it Manchester United? Chelsea? Manchester City? Arsenal? Liverpool? BlackBurn? BlackBerry? ooopssss hihi sorry (over-reacted).

I think they know about the team more than they know about themselves. Too passion! So, Harimau Malaya (Malayan Tiger) is our very own Malaysian team. Since the HM won the Suzuki Cup last year, the team has become famous and there is at least something to be proud off. But then, the team starts to roll down the hill (in my opinion) because they are too dependable to few players only esp the keeper and striker.

Oh please don't make me start mumbling about football because the more I write the more I'm going to give wrong infos the more it sounds funny. Whatever it is, after since Malaysian become fanatic to the progress of the Harimau Malaya, they start to become insane. Hahah (sorry no offense saje nak provoke)

So, what's with this guy named RAMLI? here watch this commercial by TM

So Ramli makes Malaysian proud without excel in his study, he can still joins the MU in the English League and make Malaysian proud when he score a goal. International player so called. He promises his father that he'll make him proud of him one day. He proved that dreams can become reality.

Why I called Ramli is the truly Malaysian boy? It's simple because most of the boy in Malaysia today wanted to be like him. like who? like him. Whatever it is 'Ramli makes us laugh and smile'

Thank you for your time and da-da for now (",)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Kenapa Saya Suka Annas Easkey?

Arrrghhh, jangan banyak tanya saya sapa Annas Easkey ni, apa mission post ni, kenapa poyo2 nak cite pasal mamat sorang ni.. kata pon Annas of course la lelaki. 
Walaupon followers ku tak ramai (berani mengaku), I tak kisah pon pasal contest yang Annas buat (poyokan diri), I nak inform je pasal this guy. (I nak commission)

Annas ni seangkatan la with my brother (Taufiq Zakir). They both passion kat photography. Kehulur-kehilir ngan camera diorang. Lens jangan cite la, ada yang besar tangan manusia. So, nak dijadikan cerita Annas ni first time I met middle of this year. Dier buat photoshoot Project X (free hair & muslimah) kat The Scope Studio (family business) located di Desa Pandan. That was the first time The Scope Studio housing more than 40 people.

I sumpah tak kenal mamat ni, My sis told me dia orang johor, budak baik selalu tolong parents dier. Betul tak betul tanyala parents dier ye. hihi. Annas ni kalau snap gambar kat studio tu, bergolek sini, terbaring sana, dia plak yang macam posing lebih2.. tapi itu lah yang dinamakan professional tak gitu?

Kalau photography ni, of course la saya support my brother kan tapi after usha2 annas punya kerja, WOW! gempak sih. Sorry la I can't share Annas's works kat sini sbb copyrighted kan. Ada yang kejar I ngan parang kang. But please feel free to click here for his blog and here for his fanpage. Tengok la blog dier 'Makeup adalah ekspresi Fashion adalah Inspirasi Kamera adalah Luahan Hati'. Tak main kau Annas! Ayat power

So back to our business. Kenapa saya suka Annas Easkey? secara kasarnya masterpiece Annas la ye. Saya ada 3 je solid reasons (kalau nak kira points kat atas2 tadi pon boleh :P), reasons ni smua pasal karya Annas ye. Personal, tuan punya badan lagi tau

I've read few award winning photographers' blogs and of course the best the only Nigel Baker kan. No one can deny his talent and creativity in his pieces. Just imagine how he can turn a junk yard to be a great scenery for his snaps?

Therefore, technically, a good photo is first able to caught peoples' eyes. Yes betul beauty is subjective. A good photographer can change an ugly thing to become great in the eyes. Tak percaya? ok, let see tgk gambar snapped by Annas ni, then you tell me, does it catch your eyes? click here. Cuba tgk scenery belakang macam kat kawasan kubur lama je kan, lumut sini sana but a good photo tells story. First it caught your eye then it tells you story. With that, baju cantik ke make up meletops ker smua help to structure the photo. So kira berjaya la gambar ini since it caught my eyes and kubur tu dah jadi macam good port untuk photoshooting

Then, lighting, kalau outdoor fine, nature lighting but what if indoor photos? click here. look at the shadow. Wow meletops. Nak cite pasal lighting color contrast la apa la I tak pandai, but that tall shadow behind tu gave a humongous impact to the picture. Ni Annas dah baring2 la kot atas floor tu amik gambar.

Last sekali, editing. Annas part editing mmg penyabar la. Passion makes everything possible. Paling best editing yang buat macam 3D pictures tu. Wacaya sama lu la. click here kalau nak tgk album 3D Annas.

Ahhh dah la tu sibuk nak puji2 Annas ni. I rasa dah buleh muntah darah dah dier baca blog yang duk puji2 dier. Nak tunggu Annas buat project photoshoot model ngan binatang/inserts pulak (macam ANTM tu la). Mana tau blh panggil dier Nigel Baker Malaysia. Sewa2 la The Scope lagi ye Annas hihi

bye smua. thanks for reading :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


3 months have passed
and 3 months to go
waiting is killing and
wanting is willing

I can still wait but I can't keep silence hoping to be called
So, effort something within my limitation
Dhuha is the answer

The doa' (meaning) is so touchable
Western said 'Save the best for the last'
Muslim said 'Allah has a better plan for me'

'O Allah, indeed Dhuha is Your Dhuha, the beauty is Your beauty, the precious is Your precious, the strength is Your strength, the sway is Your sway, and the protection is Your protection.
O Allah if my thrive is beyond the sky, bring it down and if my thrive is in the earth, bring it out, if it's difficult ease it, if it's haram purify it, if it's far bring it near.
With the blessing of Your Dhuha, beauty, precious, strength and sway, Pour us with everything that You have poured to those Solehin'

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Best Malaysian Blog

Ok, lets just go straight,
I've seen few people share a blog
They call her DATIN
urm, I thought she may be a typical kind of Malaysian lady like me

So I stop by her blog and read almost 3 hours spent in her site
hebat tak hebat

Gempak, Awesome, Marvelous
I just can think of those words about her
She is soooo Happy go lucky OK!
Isk it's really time consuming to express my thoughts about her blog

Why dont you people spare few minutes to read her's
For sure you'll never forget her site later

Here's the link: DATIN (Datin, nak commission hihi)

Have fun reading and till next post!

Thursday, September 8, 2011



If you know who you are

please don't force me to write your name here!

I tak berani even you are going to offer me cash money

Please please please

You know I will never give up till you forgive me

I promise I'll make my best out of the best

Won't hurt you again

I'll make everything up to you (tebus semua my mistakes)

TOLONG LA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Copycat? Ciplak?

Heard the new song 'Malaysian Boy' by Altimet and his friends
Production for the 'Suara Kami' punya event
Kat Astro la kawan?
Heard that? kalau tak pernah, here it is.
Try listen to it note by note, bit by bit, code by code (waaaaaaahhhhhhhhh hahaha)

ok, sounds familiar?
A couple weeks ago, the first time I heard the song
I was in the kitchen and at the chorus part especially
I was so messed up
"What? Malaysian boy?"
Eh, American Boy la. hahha
How naive I can be sometimes

Nah, listen to the original song by Kenya West 

What do you guys think?
copy? or nafas baru (melayu cakap la)?
Personally I don't think Altimet should be this innocent to copy others
He has been a great song writer
It's too insane for him to actually 'improvise' others work

To be honest, Suara Kami ni apa?
Heard of it several times
but I never get the time to know about it wahahaha teruknya
Urm, I can see the 1Malaysia in the Malaysian Boy song
but i hate to say this, it sounded better as American Boy
Patriotic in a different way
kalau nak nyanyi, buat lagu Malaysian Boy yang betul2
compose new song, draw a better lines and codes
then it will be better.

 But what can I say,
P Ramlee's songs pon ramai dah copy
Ahmad Dhani, again Altimet
wahahha nafas baru, nafas baru.. (sarcastic look)



Pernah tak anda admire someone
Tapi you found out that his/her life is not as you imagine
Takot tak to join a family that can make you as tiny as an ant?

Haha kalau nak try pegi la
Then you'll know how plain can you be
Tak sesuai la they're too good for you
Takot la they are far way too high from my standard

So, jom pegi solat and doa banyak supaya Allah terangkan hati kita semua :)
hihi bye!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Baby Whale

Crook crook crook
Ok, that's my tummy making the annoying sound
wanting me to get something for her

Raya is almost done typically
yeah I know I have 3 more wedding invitations and 5 houses to attend this weekend
Walayeh kenyang tak kenyang?

I can feel my body is being pumped
Dah la makan banyak, unemployed pulak
That sounded like heaven kan 
Tak keja duit takde but still can eat like nobody business

But in the other way
I'm getting worried
Not saying I'm getting _____ (serious tak, hahah)
But I dont feel healty and
paranoid kalau2 I turn into a baby whale

Tak makan host merajuk
Then makan gak la cubit here and there

Oh yeah
Anyone kalau ada part time job,
roger2 kan la I ye
cause I don't want to be a burden for my parents pulak
dah tua2 pon nak mintak duit from my parents
tah apa2 tah kan

ok guys
take care of yourself
Dont eat toooo much
control you consumption
Drink more plain water

till next post, bubbye

p/s: I asked Aniq 'oh, going to a open house ye', then he said 'tak, nak pegi tengok Lighting Mcqueen'. Wah this boy as if he can't say Cars 2 nak jugak cakap Lighting McQueen. Isk geramnya

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Flea Attack

Ahhhhh, Ramadhan was a tough month for me and my fam,

We had to fast with these fleas in home

Damn those stupid fleas

Sakit kau gigit aku sana sini

It's like living in hell with darn extreme itchy reddish spots

Spending a week in Johor is like embracing the tranquility of the paradise without those scratching

hey you, 

if you have cats or dogs at home make sure to always prevent those flea cause once they attack

they leave no mercy!

In the future, I will try my best to not to have any pets

I love animals but I don't think I'm ready to have these itchy skin AGAIN!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Gen Y vs BabyBoomers

Bulan Puasa ni mengajar kita bersabar dalam apa jua perkara yang kita lakukan
Dalam pada belajar bersabar ni seronok gak kalau tgk cerita2 berkisahkan tentang remaja
yang dikatakan sebagai 'jahiliah' or in a lame word kita kata tak bermoral
What is morality?
Semua agama mengajar pengikutnya tentang moral, akhlak etc
Siapakah model/idol yang terbaik kita?
Jawapan common zaman sekarang of course la celebrities/politicians
jarang la kita dgr idol remaja sekarang Nabi Muhammad (SAW) ke parents ke

Ok, bila dalam TV buat forum talking about problems yang dah sukar dibendung ni
Siapa selalunya yang menjadi panel?
Baby Boomers ke Gen X ke Gen Y?

Baby Boomers and Gen X kan, normally la maybe tak smua
Common question 'Apakah kaktor yang menyebabkan remaja sekarang bersikap sebegini?'
Sorry la kan,
soalan tentang Gen Y tapi yang comment tu Baby Boomers
I'm not saying apa yang dibahas and discuss tu salah
Everybody will have their opinions (subjective matter la katakan)

Since I'm already 23, means I dah no longer adolescent kan
I'm an adult wahahaha tak nak kalah tu so kat tgh2

Kalau la ditakdirkan TV program ni panggil I jadi panel (TAK MUNGKIN!)
My answer would be simple
'Kalau mahu remaja menjadi baik, adults wajib jadi good role model'

bukan nak buruk sangka or main pakai nak cakap je
These are based on my observations and direct experiences dalam bulan puasa
Since Ramadhan ni takde syaitan so kalau kita tak baik means bukan salah syaitan la kan
There are few cases yang melibatkan Baby Boomers and Gen Y ni
Kalau ikut kitaran waktu Baby Boomers ni are like our parents/grandparents/aunties/uncles la kan
Gen Y ni macam kita2 ni hahah
Pernah tak anda melihat orang2 tua (40 above) maki hamun, mencarut, marah2 dalam bulan puasa?
Oh, kalau tanya saya of course la pernah SEVERAL TIMES during Ramadhan je

Last year I think,
on my way back with a friend dari Perak to KL,
kat tol la ni queuing,
there was this black car from the other lane wanted to overtake my friend's car
kalau nak tau kereta tu pon dalam queue and his car was like
5th in the row
while we were on the next line dalam 6 cars to go
This pak cik (in 50) menyelit in front of us just because our line keta kecik2
so shorter line
Of course la, you are already in a line tak necessary la nak overtake other lane plak kan
So kami tak bagi la pak cik tu
nak jadikan kes, pak cik ni sudah angkat tangan tunjuk jari tengah dia to us
wahahaha kelakar sangat
 meyelit punya menyelit pakcik tu pon in front of us
kalau dier bersabar, dier dah lama dah lepas that tol
nak kata tak berilmu rasanya pak cik tu je tak berfikir panjang kot
pakcik tu angkat tangan sekali lagi tu us (around 4 times gak la)
imagine pak cik yang I think dah ada grandchildren buat macam tu
how can he be a good example to youngsters like us?

kalau kat kedai2 makan,
first come first serve
but kalau orang2 baby boomers ni
for them yang kecik kena respect yang tua
potong line tu biasa sgt la for them

as orang muda takkan kita nak tegur mak cik and pakcik tu kan
so i selalu gelak sengeh2 sinis je
hope they understand
kalau diorg dah tunjuk contoh macam tu
org2 muda ni
lagi la berani jadi daring daripada tu

It's true nobody's perfect
but we have to try to be someone yang deserve to be respect
regardless your agenor your skin color, physical appearance
semua tu Allah tak pandang
Hati itu yang penting

Soon kita pulak yang akan jadi tua
let's practice from now to be a good role model for the next generation
Bye :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bella - 21/08/11

Watching Bella talking about the textiles and fashion
They touch the issue on what to wear during Hari Raya

I was so attracted with the comment from Dato Shah Reza
He said during the Dubai Fashion week in Dubai early this year
most of the models from all over the world loves to wear those abayas and jubahs
because it is no longer about being sexy but is more on the textile

If you wear tight and short clothes you will never going to feel the textiles
but with those abaya you can feel it at every inch of your body

He also said that Islamic Fashion is most marketable and widest market these days as it has contributed 96 billion USD worldwide
Longer dress will need longer textile and better price

So guys don't feel outdated wearing those! Dunia dapat Akhirat pon dapat wahahaha...

Are we eating?

Food, Fashion, Fun
These 3 Fs are the weapon that Muslims are to be aware off
Let's remind ourselves that Muslims are to beaten if only if their inside are weak
what does that weak means?

Let's put it this way,
Kalau ditakdirkan perang,
would we survive or mati kat tengah-tengah?

Islam teaching is the most perfect as it covers every elements in life
Why do we keep blaming others when we are the one that weaken our strengths?

Heard of gelojoh, mencekik, melantak, polok (orang Johor cakap kot :P), mentekedarah
So are we eating or glutting?
There are 3 questions that we need to ask ourselves
1. What do we eat?
2. How much do we consume daily?
3. What time do we eat?
Are we discipline enough to take a good care of our bodies in and out

Stomach is the center of illness
The word illness brings 2 meanings (physical/mental illness and 'qalbu' illness)
Physical/Mental illnesses are those that are scientifically detected and cured
but 'qalbu' or personality disease is the major problem that a Muslim can have

Haram halal kita langgar je macam nothing
for instance waktu berbuka puasa,
kita beli  makanan and berbuka macam dah 30 tahun tak makan
after tarawikh belasah moreh pulak
supper lagi

wah tak kenyang2 perut kita ni
So, how can we say that I am a Muslim when we blindly reject the teaching from our 'MODERN' lifestyle
Ala Islam ni tak moden la -> Moden sangat ke kita manusia ni?

Sbbkan pemakanan yang tak sihat and baik (haram la senang cerita)
Hati kita resah and perut kenyang, mata mengantuk, solat tak khusyuk,
If my parents they'll say macam ular sawa baru makan kambing
then if the consumption is unlimited and tak blh nak cure dah habit tu,
badan jadi besar, otak tak cergas, badan lemah,
so if ditakdirkan orang intrude negara and perang happens (Nauzubillah)
where will we be standing in protecting the religion, country or even your family?

So friends, let's stop and think for awhile
Is it worth to eat like there's no tomorrow?
Takkan kan, it's time to change our style
Thanks for your time.
Bye for now


NOTE: All my posts are about what i've seen and experienced, no intention of hurting anyone. It's a fruit of thought. :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tudung is a trend ke wajib?

Seems like sekarang makin ramai buat tudung as fashion. Wow lilit here and there ada yang macam chaos gler kepala and ada some like ok2 sweet. But what was behind the tudung? It's just for the sake to cover your hair or is it for Allah? deng deng deng deng.

You jawab sendiri.
I think dah macam fashion sgt when a girl wears tudung and yet still pose merepek meraban (Aniq suka words ni)
Just look around you, have you heard some people cakap 'Ala tudung je atas kepala but then peluk sini peluk sana, hisap rokok, clubbing, nampak leher, baik tak payah pakai'
What does that means to you?
Kerana nila setitik rosak la susu sebelanga (betul ke my spelling?)

Yeah it's true some people mmg nak nampak fashionist bila pakai tudung ala2 sapa? Hana Tajima, Yuna.
Fine there's nothing wrong with that but why do we have to pose macam ________.
Sorry bukan I nak mengata or talk bad about others but this is something that we need to think about
What is the reason that you put on your hijab?
I suka style tudung macam Hana Tajima tu ok smua je but why para2 pemakai (followers) masih berperangai seperti wanita yang sangat sopan? (Sarcastic expression, heheh)
Tak salah but we have to control ourselves and jaga penampilan as a muslimah
Sedih when I see people ramai suka the girls with hijab but yet sama je macam tak pakai.

This is a wake up call for all of us.
I'm reminding myself as well to not to ikut those yang tak betol.
Not saying that you tak blh bersosial boleh but with limitation.
Posing tak payah kangkang kangkang, just be 'sopan'
Biar orang cakap you pemalu, it's not wrong because malu is a part of Iman.
But malu pon biar bertempat so that we will still remember that Allah is watching us 24/7.

Feel like alive balik when I have the time to update this little chatter blog. Bye~

Saturday, August 13, 2011

better is better than perfect

It is actually weird when we try to be a better person and we keep failing.
But what we really don't understand is that 'perfect is never but best is ever'.
Today I try to be a different person, try on new things and determine my mind to become like someone else (I think she's way perfect than me)
What an innocent act to do when I know that I am I am, I can't never be someone else.

We have our own weaknesses and we even have our own strengths,
lately all I can see are my savage weaknesses and keep trying to imitate a better person that I think perfect than me
What an absurd action I did?
Taking off my own sweet shoe and trying to fit into others that is having bigger/smaller size than me?

So my final conclusion is 'be yourself but keep trying to walk in your shoes as fit as possible'
life is nothing when there are no challenges, pains, tears (negative essence of the world).

Tada bye :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


What the hell? kau pinjam duit Along RM 1000 and the interest was RM100/hour. Where the hell are you gonna get that RM 1000 with the interest in a short time? Damn you! Nasib baik kau bukan family aku. If not, you'll never gonna see you brain again! Feel like punching my fist on your face sampai biul... Stupid

Friday, July 1, 2011

When good deeds repaid by evil

Some people wish to have parents when they know that the really can't have one. Some just ignore their parents while they are still alive. Some felt abuse by the ultimate love that they fully gave to those they call 'mom' and 'dad' and some felt hopeless when they try to be the happiest thing that a parent can have.

Where is actually the meaning of love when we know that we tried our best but those efforts are way too far from 'the best'? We gave everything that we can to be beside them and hold them from falling apart but the universe seems to be the enemy. Being someone that have the demon fortune contradict the reality that life is fair and 'good deeds are meant to be repay by evil'.

Speechless, hopeless, give up are blended in together to form the feeling of reluctant in doing anything everything. Nothing is meaningful and nothing is useful. May Allah bless me with anything that I have and may Him let this pain flush away to make me tougher and stronger. Amin

Monday, June 13, 2011

life is a dream

It's life when we talk about hopes, dreams, missions, desires, needs but we ever forget that life needs sacrifice. When we let ourselves drifted away by the wind blow we are actually make ourselves older and mature. But we tend to ask and wonder why the world hate us and crashes all the dreams, let us down with ever single hopes and wants. Where is life for me? Will I ever find the real world or am I still standing and wanting to be in the world of the fantasy.

This ain't Harry Potter world nor Wonderland when magics and fair life works. Motivators encourage dreams and hopes because those will lead us to improve and challenge ourselves but we ALWAYS forget that things (possible or impossible) may happen if only and only God allows. Usaha -> Doa -> Tawakal. Have you ever want something that you know is impossible and once it lets you down, you feel like it's the end of the world? Keep question yourself and wait till those questions answered. Bye 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Demam AF?

Relevant atau tidak post ini anda yang menilainya. I’m here just to share some PERSONAL opinions on Akademi Fantasia. Urm, semenjak dua menjak ni I dah jadi cam rajin je bukak website and tengok konsert AF yang I’ve never did before. Ok, let’s be a little bit open minded. Hobby gak la kalau saya kata saya suka tgk and menilai ragam manusia. So I don’t miss to tgk peminat2 AF di facebook. Ada yang suka A, ada yang suka B ok itu hak masing2. Tapi there’s this 1 page yang I kinda geli hati to read. This so called ‘penulis’ thought that he’s the best in criticizing and judging people’s performance. Wah hebat kritikan yang dier tulis baik to the students, tenaga pengajar, siap pengacara pon jadi modal dier ber’karya’ hihi…. Manusia manusia.

Kalau ikut ‘penulis’ yang ‘expert’ tu, dier kata student tu tak bagus kalau vocal tak blh hit ‘high note’ Waaaaahhhhh pandai gak dier pasal note2 ni ye. Hahah ok saya ni takla kata saya pandai pasal benda2 ni sbb setakat belajar vocal waktu join team choir dulu tu ada la sikit2. So saya takde la rights nak critic sapa2. Tapi admin page ni dah salah study ni, tak semestinya seseorg itu tak blh hit high note dier takde good vocal. Cik abang/cik akak oi, kalau kat USA tu kan, diorg nyanyi to be a performer bukan singer. Kalau setakat nak menyanyi je awak pon blh buat dalam toilet hari2. Hehe

Tapi I just don’t get it with his/her comments because dier tembak je smua org. A piece of advice to the admin, kalau dah tak minat kita diam2 kan aja, don’t have to show your own dirty laundry to public. Buat malu diri je nanti.

Nama pon dah akademi, tempat belajar, don’t expect dak2 dalam rumah plastic tu blh jadi BINTANG yang you idam2kan (which no one knows your standard). Pengalaman menjadikan someone lebih knowledgeable but tak semestinya org yang berilmu itu pandai.

Malaysian ni tak professional la. I tgk orang western contohnya la American Idol, takde pon nak condemn and kutuk2 contestant yang diorg tak minat. Be a gentleman la wahai manusia.

Akademi Fantasia (forum)  should change kot the page name... heheh bye