Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Kenapa Saya Suka Annas Easkey?

Arrrghhh, jangan banyak tanya saya sapa Annas Easkey ni, apa mission post ni, kenapa poyo2 nak cite pasal mamat sorang ni.. kata pon Annas of course la lelaki. 
Walaupon followers ku tak ramai (berani mengaku), I tak kisah pon pasal contest yang Annas buat (poyokan diri), I nak inform je pasal this guy. (I nak commission)

Annas ni seangkatan la with my brother (Taufiq Zakir). They both passion kat photography. Kehulur-kehilir ngan camera diorang. Lens jangan cite la, ada yang besar tangan manusia. So, nak dijadikan cerita Annas ni first time I met middle of this year. Dier buat photoshoot Project X (free hair & muslimah) kat The Scope Studio (family business) located di Desa Pandan. That was the first time The Scope Studio housing more than 40 people.

I sumpah tak kenal mamat ni, My sis told me dia orang johor, budak baik selalu tolong parents dier. Betul tak betul tanyala parents dier ye. hihi. Annas ni kalau snap gambar kat studio tu, bergolek sini, terbaring sana, dia plak yang macam posing lebih2.. tapi itu lah yang dinamakan professional tak gitu?

Kalau photography ni, of course la saya support my brother kan tapi after usha2 annas punya kerja, WOW! gempak sih. Sorry la I can't share Annas's works kat sini sbb copyrighted kan. Ada yang kejar I ngan parang kang. But please feel free to click here for his blog and here for his fanpage. Tengok la blog dier 'Makeup adalah ekspresi Fashion adalah Inspirasi Kamera adalah Luahan Hati'. Tak main kau Annas! Ayat power

So back to our business. Kenapa saya suka Annas Easkey? secara kasarnya masterpiece Annas la ye. Saya ada 3 je solid reasons (kalau nak kira points kat atas2 tadi pon boleh :P), reasons ni smua pasal karya Annas ye. Personal, tuan punya badan lagi tau

I've read few award winning photographers' blogs and of course the best the only Nigel Baker kan. No one can deny his talent and creativity in his pieces. Just imagine how he can turn a junk yard to be a great scenery for his snaps?

Therefore, technically, a good photo is first able to caught peoples' eyes. Yes betul beauty is subjective. A good photographer can change an ugly thing to become great in the eyes. Tak percaya? ok, let see tgk gambar snapped by Annas ni, then you tell me, does it catch your eyes? click here. Cuba tgk scenery belakang macam kat kawasan kubur lama je kan, lumut sini sana but a good photo tells story. First it caught your eye then it tells you story. With that, baju cantik ke make up meletops ker smua help to structure the photo. So kira berjaya la gambar ini since it caught my eyes and kubur tu dah jadi macam good port untuk photoshooting

Then, lighting, kalau outdoor fine, nature lighting but what if indoor photos? click here. look at the shadow. Wow meletops. Nak cite pasal lighting color contrast la apa la I tak pandai, but that tall shadow behind tu gave a humongous impact to the picture. Ni Annas dah baring2 la kot atas floor tu amik gambar.

Last sekali, editing. Annas part editing mmg penyabar la. Passion makes everything possible. Paling best editing yang buat macam 3D pictures tu. Wacaya sama lu la. click here kalau nak tgk album 3D Annas.

Ahhh dah la tu sibuk nak puji2 Annas ni. I rasa dah buleh muntah darah dah dier baca blog yang duk puji2 dier. Nak tunggu Annas buat project photoshoot model ngan binatang/inserts pulak (macam ANTM tu la). Mana tau blh panggil dier Nigel Baker Malaysia. Sewa2 la The Scope lagi ye Annas hihi

bye smua. thanks for reading :)

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