Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tudung is a trend ke wajib?

Seems like sekarang makin ramai buat tudung as fashion. Wow lilit here and there ada yang macam chaos gler kepala and ada some like ok2 sweet. But what was behind the tudung? It's just for the sake to cover your hair or is it for Allah? deng deng deng deng.

You jawab sendiri.
I think dah macam fashion sgt when a girl wears tudung and yet still pose merepek meraban (Aniq suka words ni)
Just look around you, have you heard some people cakap 'Ala tudung je atas kepala but then peluk sini peluk sana, hisap rokok, clubbing, nampak leher, baik tak payah pakai'
What does that means to you?
Kerana nila setitik rosak la susu sebelanga (betul ke my spelling?)

Yeah it's true some people mmg nak nampak fashionist bila pakai tudung ala2 sapa? Hana Tajima, Yuna.
Fine there's nothing wrong with that but why do we have to pose macam ________.
Sorry bukan I nak mengata or talk bad about others but this is something that we need to think about
What is the reason that you put on your hijab?
I suka style tudung macam Hana Tajima tu ok smua je but why para2 pemakai (followers) masih berperangai seperti wanita yang sangat sopan? (Sarcastic expression, heheh)
Tak salah but we have to control ourselves and jaga penampilan as a muslimah
Sedih when I see people ramai suka the girls with hijab but yet sama je macam tak pakai.

This is a wake up call for all of us.
I'm reminding myself as well to not to ikut those yang tak betol.
Not saying that you tak blh bersosial boleh but with limitation.
Posing tak payah kangkang kangkang, just be 'sopan'
Biar orang cakap you pemalu, it's not wrong because malu is a part of Iman.
But malu pon biar bertempat so that we will still remember that Allah is watching us 24/7.

Feel like alive balik when I have the time to update this little chatter blog. Bye~

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