Monday, August 30, 2010

10 science studies that can make you say 'Duh'

I had this light reading on site and found this interesting topic to be shared with. It's called the 10 Science studies that will make you say 'duh'... Isn't that what the Y generation loves to say? hihi

Ok back to our business, so let us see what are those 'duh studies' that constitute the top 10 list of the year:

1) Blowing up mountains is bad for the environment
- duh, obviously! that is why the environmentalists fight for the so called 'nature' and even kindergarten kids would know it is bad for the environment especially it can caused air pollution
-This study was done by Margaret Palmer from University of Maryland on the mountaintop mining (MTM) of the Appalachia. She plainly object the granting procedures and rules of the activities to the State government
2) Old people prefer happy memories
- should I say it? haha duh, obviously! aren't those even what the youngsters like to talk about? happy memories will make the elders feel that the world they'll be leaving soon was worthy. That will make them feel alive and appreciate the next day better
- A group of middle age psychologists had this research on few candidates and they found out that the elder loves the positive effects in life when they love to talk about kittens for instance instead of war wounds. Haha. I bet I'm old :P. The researchers claim that the older will have stronger memories in remembering the good old times. Yeah I think I am OLD! argh 

3) A mean gym teacher can turn you off sport
- ok, let me see, when I was in high school I had this fierce gym teacher. She is strict like hell where she forced us to wear the school gym uniform! no other brand. It must be the "SMK Aminuddin Baki" track bottom and T-shirt! Argh but unfortunately she failed to make us hate the gym slots. haha.
- A research assert that about 70% students drop out gym after being belittled by the instructors. I wonder how would they threat the cadets in the military.

4) Most people drive poorly while talking on the phone
- duh, duh, duh. Isn't that the main reason why they will be fine or summon? Many countries enforce that rules! haha. I tried once, yeah hardly to focus while driving and talking on phone. Reasonable and proven
- Jason Watson and friend had this study and surprisingly there are 2.5% of their subjects were 'supertaskers' who can do double jobs as competency as they perform a single task. As the conclusion from this, in some situations, i can also be a 'supertasker' for instance i can dream while sleeping or i can study and watch movie simultaneously. haha

5) Siblings who fight don't get along
- duh, air dicincang takkan putus! how bad the relation is, you are still siblings. You share the same blood, you were born from same womb, you shared toys when you were kids. I disagree! haha
- Campione and Smentana surveyed on 115 pairs of siblings and found out that most of the reason is due to personal-space conflicts between both

6) Young people want big money, big vacation
- haha obviously and this is hell right "duh". I can see that and I can feel that. But for me, I don't really care on the money at certain point. I think the benefits and advantages that I can get from my employers would be my targets. Duh, I'm an old-fashioned type of person. hihi
- Jean Twenge wrote something about the GenMe a.k.a Y generation. She claimed "The combination of not wanting to work hard but still wanting more money and status verifies the sense of entitlement many have identified among GenMe". I bet that this is so right true!

7) Environmentalists can be smug jerks
- A great question "Do green products make us a better person?" is it true by expressing and showing that we really cares about the environment can make us a better person? Nah, it is what in here 'the heart'!
- Finding shows that a person who talks or bought green product would normally induced a 'halo effects' when they feel great about their so called good deeds but the truth is they forget to be humble about it. 'God looks at the heart'

8) Self control makes students more manageable
- 'duh' again! it has been proven long time ago. Isn't this is why we are encouraged to be patience for what ever we're facing on. Ok, one should experienced this at least once. we don't really need science to prove this! 'Duh'
- A group of researchers from University of Rochester and Miami try to quantitative this claim, they found out after 14 weeks teaching and exposing the self control and express methods to the third graders, the disciplinary rate derogate by 46%

9) People are happier on the weekend
-haha do you have to do science studies on this? 'duh'. So, is there anyone would feel bad or sad whenever weekend comes? haha I hope no. Isn't weekend is like the best days you can ever get in a week? It's the time for you to be with your loves one and spend more time for your passion stuffs? haha
- Richard Ryan's theory says that we enjoy the weekend more because it satisfies self-determination when there is no boss around,no computers and data to be sort out and that answers why people loves Friday nights and hate Monday morning. hihi

10) Hard-drinking adrenaline freaks are prone to injuries
-'duh' for thousands times. This is why it is totally prohibited in the Islamic teaching and I believe others too. Obviously drinking can caused one to loss his conscious brain and starts to do unplanned and irrational things
- Finding shows that 600,000 college students in a year injured themselves while drunk and 1700 die. So, DON'T DRINK!
So there go you, the 10 science studies that were done just to quantitative the facts. I thought only engineers love numbers. haha. Whatever it is, it was a great and knowledgeable reading for me! So long :)

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