Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Weird Coinicidence

Niii, kak Kiah nak cerita noo sikit! *style mak cik- mak cik kat kampung bila nak start bergossip*

Bergossip tu tak baik tapi kalau cerita pasal diri sendiri tak salahkan? Pengalaman yang I nak tell you orang ni agak jadi macam satu benda yang I akan regret for the rest of my life. Tapi whatever it is, it's a good and leisure sharing. For F.U.N. je ni.

You all pernah tak in a situation yang you all tak nak something to happen just because of your egoism but it's not that bad pon just you people tak suka. Ala, susah la tulis pusing2 ni. Like this, I'm a type of person yang kalau I pakai baju oh laaaaa sisih jangan ada yang pakai sepecen (bahasa orang Johor ni) macam boria la orang kata. For me, kalau 3 or more orang pakai sama, it's OK takde masalah but kalau 2 orang je yang pakai baju sama, oh please sooooo now me ok.

So nak dijadikan cerita, last week I was in Houston for a class and I remeber I went to JCPenny to get some formal shirts for the class. So, I brought 2 shirts solid hard pink and dark turquoise. Alahai, warna yang cantik but all can wear those color kan. So never in my dream that I would see a guy wearing the same EXACT color with me FOR 2 DAYS! kalau dah 1 hari pon I dah tak suka, inikan 2 hari berturut pulak tu. Make sense ke? What a coincidence in a bad way for me. Hahah bukan annoying but I just can't like it.

It's very weird and I just can't take it at all. Sampai 1 level I feel like giving up those shirts to others plak. Teruk tahap kronik dah perangai I ni. The best part was, I wear my sweater all the time in the class eventhough it was not cold, sampai berpeluh-peluh I dont care I still put the sweater on so that takde la orang perasan. hahaha

Ok, tu je nak tulis hari ni. Teringat plak masa kecik2 dulu, my parents selalu belikan baju sama for me and my twins. tapi dah besar ni I tak suka kalau my twins pakai baju sama walaupon when you think back, it's nothing pon. kekeke

Bye :)

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