Sunday, January 9, 2011

Anugerah Juara Lagu 26

Yucks to the winners! hahah ok that was my response towards the result of AJL. How on earth do 'Noktah Cinta' and 'Tolong Ingatkan Aku' are in the top 3. Euuuuuw!!! not my taste. Haha ok2, I think Ana won because of those wordings in her song. Honestly the song is expressing a great massage but I hate it because I don't understand her sing/pronoun. Can't hear clearly. With the combination of M Nasir, Habsah Hassan and Pacai haha I bet they love those poetry wordings, so she won. And not to forget her performance yesterday was a no-no. Didn't impress me much with those cages and so called 'a magic show'. Sorry Ana for the comments but you won and congrats!

Hafiz, urm urm urm urm I'm actually thinking where is the specialty of that song that melted the judges' hearts. Ajai booo to him don't really love his song writing. They sounded like copyrighted from others. But a great compliment to Hafiz for his vokal and performance. The hiatus was really a great gimmick, you made people in the stadium shouted hahha. The song was a little bit common, nothing special but you won at least it's yours anyway. Congratz to you and the composers!

'Hanyut' was a darn great awesome bomb song and performance. To me, Faizal Tahir is still the winner!!!! no one can really replace his creativity and uniqueness. He comes in package, great in everything it seems like a perfect creation (smart performance, awesome vokal, fresh songs, everything!) haha. CONGRATS MAN! you're still the best..

My prediction was a mess! Haha I thought Yuna can win one of the place because her song was great even it was a bit slow but the song is DIFFERENT! Urm but she won last year so I guess that is how they keep the prestigious. Giving those to the newbies. Next year AJL my vote goes to the 'Kalu Berpacaran' by Suhaimi Mior Hassan feat Ana Rafalli and Altimet. The song brings a different massage and align with the current issue in Malaysia.

Bye for now all. till next post. So long :)


  1. iffah, kite nk yuna menang. benci ah ana rafali.seb baik drama king menang gak. ada la satu yg best.

  2. ni bila awak minat yuna ni? hahah nak buat cam mana dah M nasir and the geng suka lagu puitis2 camtu... haha

  3. ana menng huhuh... :)

  4. Aiyok.. cik akak... AJL 25 der... bukan 26.. :P

  5. @Ceqla: urm rezeki ana. Tahniah to her
    @kak nurul: 26 ni AJL version fast forward to sbb vote "Kalau Berpacaran" haha


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