Sunday, November 30, 2014

Vaseline - Yellow isn't that bad

Rasa macam nak demam je petang ni (sinus dah menjadi-jadi lately). Mesti ramai yang paham perasaan ni yang tak suka bangun pagi on weekend sempena menikmati weekend kan. Eh??? ke Iffah je yang over? Hahaha

Ok, nak tanya siapa yang selalu ada masalah kulit kering and sensitive? Saya saya saya! Kalau korunk nak tau Iffah tergolong dalam golongan yang sensitive ni la. Oops kulit je ok! Kalau salah lotion, salah sabun mandi memang kulit merah-merah jadi gatal-gatal. Ouuiiiii stress sangat!

Banyak lotion Iffah dah try. Serious macam-macam dah try. Siap kalau yang salah tu, kulit macam merekah pecah-pecah and kering. Tapi sebelum pergi US hari tu Iffah dah try 1 product yang I can say, I kinda love it and like it! Iffah memang suka product-product dari Vaseline.

So ni Iffah nak share best lotion so far untuk Iffah, Vaseline yang kuning ni, Sesuai untuk korunk yang needs hydration on your skin. Product ni Iffah pakai everytime lepas mandi. macam lumur satu badan gak la.

so kepada kengkawan yang betul-betul nak try, pergi try and I bet you all takkan menyesal punya la. So try tau TRY!!!

P/s: guna sample size (refillable) for handy usage :)

Monday, November 10, 2014

Don't be afraid

I would like to thank to kak intan for this opportunity. Thanks to the sisters and brother for the hard work during the photoshoot. Etty garib for my make up, huda garib for my style and thescopestudio for the photo :)

Some of my friends ask 'how come you're in the paper? Why?' Answer is simple 'to prove that physical is not everything but determination is everything'

I want to be an inspiration to few girls out there who feel small and shy, you can be like anyone you want to be. You have your talent and dont keep it wasted.

I've met few girls whom always throwing statements like 'how you survive on rig?' 'How you do those tough jobs?' 'Do you regret?'

My favorite answer would be 'what do you think? If i dont like my job, i wouldn't stand here looking at you and say GO FOR IT'

So girls out there, i've influenced few girls and even some dads when i was in the USA being an example that height is not a barrier, religion is a the container and strength is not the marker. 

If you want it, you gonna do it!~

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Break is over?


Man been awhile i guess. Too busy with workloads. I love my job :) yes i do!

How everyone doing? Hoping for the best to all.

New update! Iffah is back in Malaysia!!! Since March hahaha. Oh yeah oh yeah i'm loving the sweat and the heat. Makes me feel HOT & SPICY! Ouch~

Guess what?!!! I'm sleepy~ hahahaha night all :) sweet dreams.

I miss you blogger :)