Saturday, February 23, 2013

My Love Quotes to Him

You have my traces and I have you

We are making a greater distance than we thought

Love that we had is what we chose but the gap that we are having is what you chose

It's hard for you but harder for me

Warmth to have you beside is like having a thick sock during winter

You clear the bound that I've created

You and your egoism is as same as me with my tears

Being with you was like loving a person that is heartless because someone has stolen it earlier

I'm second for you STILL

Commitment is way more important that the feeling

You said you're gonna miss me but you don't try prove it

I know you want me to say that I love you first but I have my own ego too you know

Human make bad choices, I made mine because of you

This silence doesn't mean I'm letting you go, it means I'm giving you time for yourself