Sunday, November 30, 2014

Vaseline - Yellow isn't that bad

Rasa macam nak demam je petang ni (sinus dah menjadi-jadi lately). Mesti ramai yang paham perasaan ni yang tak suka bangun pagi on weekend sempena menikmati weekend kan. Eh??? ke Iffah je yang over? Hahaha

Ok, nak tanya siapa yang selalu ada masalah kulit kering and sensitive? Saya saya saya! Kalau korunk nak tau Iffah tergolong dalam golongan yang sensitive ni la. Oops kulit je ok! Kalau salah lotion, salah sabun mandi memang kulit merah-merah jadi gatal-gatal. Ouuiiiii stress sangat!

Banyak lotion Iffah dah try. Serious macam-macam dah try. Siap kalau yang salah tu, kulit macam merekah pecah-pecah and kering. Tapi sebelum pergi US hari tu Iffah dah try 1 product yang I can say, I kinda love it and like it! Iffah memang suka product-product dari Vaseline.

So ni Iffah nak share best lotion so far untuk Iffah, Vaseline yang kuning ni, Sesuai untuk korunk yang needs hydration on your skin. Product ni Iffah pakai everytime lepas mandi. macam lumur satu badan gak la.

so kepada kengkawan yang betul-betul nak try, pergi try and I bet you all takkan menyesal punya la. So try tau TRY!!!

P/s: guna sample size (refillable) for handy usage :)

Monday, November 10, 2014

Don't be afraid

I would like to thank to kak intan for this opportunity. Thanks to the sisters and brother for the hard work during the photoshoot. Etty garib for my make up, huda garib for my style and thescopestudio for the photo :)

Some of my friends ask 'how come you're in the paper? Why?' Answer is simple 'to prove that physical is not everything but determination is everything'

I want to be an inspiration to few girls out there who feel small and shy, you can be like anyone you want to be. You have your talent and dont keep it wasted.

I've met few girls whom always throwing statements like 'how you survive on rig?' 'How you do those tough jobs?' 'Do you regret?'

My favorite answer would be 'what do you think? If i dont like my job, i wouldn't stand here looking at you and say GO FOR IT'

So girls out there, i've influenced few girls and even some dads when i was in the USA being an example that height is not a barrier, religion is a the container and strength is not the marker. 

If you want it, you gonna do it!~

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Break is over?


Man been awhile i guess. Too busy with workloads. I love my job :) yes i do!

How everyone doing? Hoping for the best to all.

New update! Iffah is back in Malaysia!!! Since March hahaha. Oh yeah oh yeah i'm loving the sweat and the heat. Makes me feel HOT & SPICY! Ouch~

Guess what?!!! I'm sleepy~ hahahaha night all :) sweet dreams.

I miss you blogger :)

Monday, January 27, 2014

Racing to the peak

SubhanaAllah daebak it's beautiful- was all i can say pasengging the drive from denver town to vail. I'm in BRONCOS (superbowl) town!

Vail is a place where people comes for winter snow activities. I dont have this in oklahoma. Nope it's a bulldozed flat land there. 

It took us 1-1/2hours to drive went we finally reached the area. Alluakbar it's such a different scenery and sky-see there

Mountains built beside the road all the way. Driving seems to be a never ending end with mountain peaks in front and side beside. The slope filled with pine trees and leftover snow. Was so silent my mouth and lock it to praise Allah SWT.

In vail people mostly do skiing, ski lifting, tubing, dogsledding and so many other things. It's all about winter outdoor!!

There's nothing worth the experience here and i'm so thankful to be apart of the denver family too. Special thanks to kak Heda for everything. Alhamdulillah :)

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Hijrah itu Sunnah

Memang la betul menteri kat malaysia cakap 'kalau suka cari pentadbiran negara, pergi cari tempat lain'. Kalau di ikutkan hati ni, kak ton tak payah bgtau, saya sendiri nak melangkah keluar berhijrah seperti Nabi Muhammad berhijrah dari madinah ke yathrib (sekarang madinah) tetapi cinta Nabi pada Mekah masih segar walaupon baginda tahu kehidupan di Mekah menyeksakan.

Cuba kita kaji, kenapa ye Nabi muhammad berpindah/berhijrah? Nabi muhammad ni tak patriotik ke? Mungkin ada anda yg kat luar sana dah rasa meluat nak dgr pasal benda2 yg 'tak berfaedah' ni kan. Ini takde kena mengena dengan hak politik ataupon hak individu sebagai rakyat Malaysia. Tapi dunia ini milik Allah, mana pon kita pergi China, India, Arab, Rusia, eropah, amerika semua ini Allah yang punya.

Ditakdirkan hari ni tinggal sebulan sahaja lagi akan ku akhiri perjalanan di Oklahoma. Sayu hati bila fikirkan pasal benda ni. Bukan tak patriotik tapi bersediakah aku untuk kembali kepada hidup yang menyeksakan? Tangan ni asyik berkerja mencari lubang-lubang di tempat lain. Tapi salah kah keinginan ini untuk tidak kembali ke tanah air? Bukan nak jadi seperti kacang yang lupakan kulit tapi perlukan kita paksa diri untuk tinggal di tempat yang kita tahu kita ditindas dan yang lebih perit adalah apabila ditindas oleh mereka yang sama agama dengan kita,

Banyak yang aku belajar sepanjang aku di sini. Perkara yang paling ingin aku ulangi adalah perasaan menghadap Allah bersama mereka yang sangat cintakan agama dah sanggup berkorban demi untuk mencari masa bertemu Allah. Kesusahan mencari kesenangan hidup sebagai muslim ini yang membuatkan aku lebih kuat dan lebih menghargai apa itu Nikmat.

Allahu Rabbi, di sini tak cukup pon 40 jemaah untuk bersolat Jumaat. Lillahi ini fakta bukan auta. Perasaan bersama dengan mereka yang bukan lahir sebagai muslim tetapi mereka yang mencari Ilahi. Beza perasaan itu kerana keikhlasan lebih terserlah diwajah mereka dari kita yang lahir sebangai Muslim. Mereka pilih untuk menjadi muslim, bagaimana kita? pernah kita tanya kenapa Islam ini jalan yang benar? Pernahkan kita berusaha mencari kebenaran dan bukan mengambil kesenangan dilahirkan dari umbi 2 orang muslim? kalau pernah Alhamdulillah :)

Solat jumaat di salah sebuah masjid kecil di oklahoma city

Bukan aku ingin berpolitik tapi kalau betul cara politik yang ada di negara Islam yang kita dilahirkan, kenapa tidak aku rasa bahagia di sana? kenapa aku rasa lebih seronok hidup di sini, mungkin kerana aku tahu aku golongan minority maka aku jadi lebih kuat? betul lah orang kata kita tidak akan pernah nampak kebenran sehingga kita hilang kebenaran itu.

Pasal hijrah ni, kepada yang pernah terpikir untuk berhijrah, jangan takut kerana hijrah itu juga Sunnah dan jika penghijrahan itu untuk kebaikan kenapa perlu takut. Di mana pon kita berada, tetap milik Allah dan kepada yang memang sayangkan negara dah rasa penghijrahan itu hanya untuk mereka yang lemah, Alhamdulillah kalian orang yang tabah dan kuat. Maka aku berharap kalian mengerti kenapa Nabi Muhammad juga berhijrah dah jangan dipandang rendah kepada mereka yang tidak mahu pulang ke tanah air kerana mereka inginkan kemajuaan dan pembaharuan. Nabi Muhammad juga wafat di Madinah bukan di Mekah.

Jom la kita sama2 fikirkan tentang apa itu penghijrahan, kenapa perlu ada penghijrahan dan bagaimana untuk menikmati kehidupan sementara ini yang Allah sediakan. Wallahu~

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Tummy stuffers

Haaaaa finally i found it! The tummy stuffers. Wanted to buy this for my nephew since early on 2013. So to happen i found it on new year!

Happy Holiday to all!!!

Aniq wanted something that he can stuff most of his toys in and that's the only reason that triggered me when i first watch the adv on TV. Anyway i found only mr green aligator and he looks cute to me still.

Was only $19.99 and parents grab it before we we couldnt get it else where later. Found in pep boys shop on s walker ave, OKC.

To parents who wants to train your kids to start keep their rooms clean, i would say tummy stuffer is a good start. Stuffer can grow up to 16" tall!

Ok, you people have fun celebrating and making new resolutions. Me waiting for some flurries in 15 mins. Night and have a good year throughout :)

Note: first ever post using blogger apps for iphone :) and dont know to put caption on picture :p (me a loser hahaha)

Sunday, December 29, 2013

It's for the Survival

I have 3 other girl siblings and dad has been such protective. He's the best father that you can ever imagine off. He seems to be controlling most of our lives but he meant good and it's the instinct that all the fathers out there will have towards their little princesses.

Friends look synical to him and some even dare to say 'Your dad is old school!' as far as I know he's being that protective because he LOVES us. That is LOVE. He's such a great teacher and guider. He taught me one valuable matter today = 'It's for the Survival'.

Now what I'm about to share here can probably caused contradict to some people but - still this is what I feel and I'm going to hold on for the rest of my life. Ladies out there - please here me out! from around the world, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Russia Caspian, Australasia, North America, Europe, Africa, South America EVERYWHERE! If you're reading this, thank you in advance and hope you'll gain something beneficial from this writing.

Before marriage, any decision you're making is about yourself always but it's different when you've already made a vow in front of your God, your family and friends when you ready to be Mr and Mrs. Marriage is about making 2 become 1. 2 families become 1, 2 hearts become 1, 2 souls become 1 and 2 decisions become 1. After marriage, it is no longer a sole one man life pronouncement but 2.

Dad always remind me that 'don't make your job as a career instead make it a survival' What does he means by that?

Ladies, tell me how can you confirm that the guy that you are marrying or about to be married is the truly soulmate and will be by yourside for the rest of your life? If anyone does, please share with the rest how to confirm that guy you're marrying will never leave you forever.

All living things will die even Michael Jackson whom wanting to live forever die sudden. When the time comes, no one could ever defies death. Thus, we will never ever going to learn when the husband is going to die or leave us and if you're marrying a wealthy man, perhaps you can fight and have half of his $$$$ if he leave you but we are the middle people, what would he leave us with? kids perhaps!

Do we want to be homeless, begging people for money on the street? No, no, no, never! We're strong, we can stand on out feet and survive. That is why ladies, never ever stop working when you are married. Make sure you have a stable income because for the muslims, you know your money is yours and his money is you + him. 

My point here is that, don't rely too much on your husband's pocket and if he really wants you to stop, DON'T! Discuss properly and if necessary get counselings. At least, if he leave you nothing, you can still survive to feed you and your kids' mouths :)

Be strong to those who already been in this situations and may your life be an example to the single ladies; working wives and mothers out there. I aint talk rubbish but this is from what I've seen and heard. It feels like a MUST and a responsibility to share and warn by dearest sisters who are reading this :)

Fly like a Survivor!!!!

May God bless us and He granted us with the best spouse. Good night all~ Happy Holiday and Season Greetings